Building Block Working Groups

Building Block Working Groups


What are Building Blocks?

What are Building Blocks?

Generically-defined software components that in combination provide key functionalities to facilitate generic workflows common across multiple sectors.


  • Reusable software components​

  • Open-source, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), or freely available with open access to data​

  • Facilitates one or more generic workflows​

  • Applicable to multiple use cases across multiple sectors​

  • Interoperable with other ICT Building Blocks​

  • Designed for scalability and extensibility​

  • Standards-based​

For an extended definition of building block criteria, please see this draft document. We welcome any expert feedback on what makes a building block adherent to these core characteristics as outlined in this technical draft.

Get involved

If you are a user of GovStack’s specifications and / or would like to submit feedback to improve a specification, the first point of contact would be the Working Group.

Working Groups are open teams where experts meet to advance specifications. They meet mostly online and do asynchronous work where they discuss how the specifications can be improved, and in cases where teams are using the specifications, Working Groups are a good place to discuss feedback and ask other experts how to implement the specifications.

A good place to start is to get in touch with the Working Group, via our community Slack. You can get a Slack invitation here, and below you will find a link to the slack channel for each Working Group.


In Progress

Digital Registries

Contact: @Ingmar Vali
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C03AE9UTDJ9

Cloud Infrastructure and Hosting

Contact: @Mathlouthi, Walid
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C04806DQ0AW

Identification and Authentication

Contact: @Jaume DUBOIS
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C02UYKU1C12


Contact: @Jaume DUBOIS
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C06KW05D472

Information Mediator

Contact: @Aleksander Reitsakas
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C02UH7E6U94



Contact: @Mauree, Venkatesen
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C02VBTU89TM



Contact: @Ingmar Vali
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C03AE9UTDJ9



Contact: @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C030JKGSDGD


Workflow and Algorithm

Contact: @Taylor Downs
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C033BHV8XMY



Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C037L0GHBFE



Contact: @Martin Karner
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C0398NCEQBE


Security (Guidelines)



Contact: @sasi
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C048PU1AZ32



Contact: @Ravi Prakash V
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C048PTT4480



Contact: @Tarek Rashed
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C047X8CLKBP


UI / UX (Guidelines)

Contact: @Laurence Berry
Slack Channel: https://govstack.slack.com/archives/C047X8YRFNZ



The Roadmap view shows the current tasks/epics for all building blocks. Use this link to access the consolidated roadmap:

https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/jira/plans/4/scenarios/4/timeline?vid=15 Calendar


Meeting Calendar

For more info, visit Building Blocks

Dive deeper into the wave 1 building block specifications here