2023-02-27 UNCTAD eRegistires usage in Sandbox (MVP flow)

2023-02-27 UNCTAD eRegistires usage in Sandbox (MVP flow)


Feb 27, 2023


  • @Heidi Kuum (Deactivated)

  • @Ingmar Vali (UNCTAD)

  • Rauno Kulla (UNCTAD)


  • Introduce USCT MVP flow and UNCTAD Registries BB involvement vision

  • Agree on actions needed to get started with UNCTAD Registries in sandbox (MVP flow)

 Discussion topics

Introduction of MVP flow and discussion on UNCTAD BB involvement in MVP flow.

  • We will have two UNCTAD registries involved:

    • CR-Citizen register, where we will add mocked citizens personal data needed for MVP

    • IFMS - Integrated Financial Management Information System UNCTAD, from where we need to validate the existence of citizens banc account to make the payment

  • UNCTAD will provide us the technical input for installation, but the setup of registries will be done by us to learn and gather learning materials for the registry creation processes.

  • Rauno Kulla will be our technical contact (UNCTAD architect)

  • UNCTAD also has the eRegistration part/functioanility, that is meant for logging into the GovStack environment. This is currently out of MVP as MVP only involves the USCT minimum flow and the assumption is that GovStack user is already created and login to GovStack is done.

  • Gofore will contact UNCTAD as soon as we can start actual work with BB providers (contracts signed, TechCommitte introduction done)


 Action items


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