2023-02-21 Talking about Country Engagement SD

2023-02-21 Talking about Country Engagement SD


Feb 21, 2023


  • @Heidi Kuum (Deactivated)

  • @Artun Gürkan

  • @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

  • @Jonas Bergmeier


  • Discuss Govstack Implementation Journey in context of this

  • Define common understanding of what’s going on, what to propose/respon and what’s to do from our side

 Discussion topics

  • Meelis: we could help/support to strip down when an artefact is provided

  • Many parties are reflecting future activities towards sandbox, i.e. hosting topic is also pending / in discussion

  • Who’s responsible for implementing country engagement service prototypes on top of sandbox?
    → Meelis assumption: Individual Country implementation teams would implement on top of provided sandbox

    • Follow up question: If service design support is needed - who can provide this? 

    • What’s the role of UX/UI working group in this context?

  • Quote from GovStack stakeholder: “Each use use case is a new project.”

  • Artun: For non-tech. users it would be great to have another independent use case / scenario to showcase if actual underlying principles like BBs should be showcased

 Action items

@Heidi Kuum (Deactivated) is scheduling follow-up with Nico and Farida


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