2023-01-23 Sandbox Introduction with Nortal
2023-01-23 Sandbox Introduction with Nortal
Jan 23, 2023
@Nico Lueck @Satyajit Suri @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @jarkkohyoty
Introduce Nortal to Govstack Sandbox
Discussion topics
Team, Mission, Scope (5min)
Product (10min)
How we are generally working
Empathy Map - Gov. Decision Maker
Component Library - Chakra
Frontend Framework - React
UX to Frontend: Current progress
Challenges for UX/frontend team
Sandbox (technical) Architecture (15min)
Open Discussion and Action Items (open)
Action items
take into cons. to apply technical diagram to USCT example @jarkkohyoty
schedule workshop for alignment of Sandbox and BB team- postpone till all have contractural basis Mar 10, 2023 @Nico Lueck @Satyajit Suri
- detailed onboarding to USCT use case for Nortal offered by @Jonas Bergmeier
- we are aiming for a collaborative workshop in beginning of February between Sandbox team and BB teams