2022-10-26 Share Sandbox understanding - towards functional requirements document

2022-10-26 Share Sandbox understanding - towards functional requirements document


Oct 26, 2022


  • @Nico Lueck

  • @jarkkohyoty

  • @Marko Kilpeläinen

  • @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

  • @Wes Brown



 Discussion topics







Gofore Sandbox Picture


  • Gofore shares MindMap with requirements from ToR

  • Timeline proposed

    • 2-3 weeks Scope refinement

      • Output - Functional Spec

    • 2 weeks technical design

      • Output - Technical Spec

    • 1 week Dev planning

      • Output - Sprint plan, Test plan, Doc setup

    • start development sprints

      • Output - Sprint retrospective, Burn-down, Roadmap

Marko - we need to pick software applications to get a clearer architecture

  • Specific example of Information Mediator with xroad as specific application

Wes - Keep the objctive in mind to be generic as possible and support as best as possible building blocks instead of software components

Harri - Especially, IM and security are very application dependend. Replacing IM/Xroad is a lot more fundamental and difficult. On other BBs it is way more realistic

Wes - As first implementors, Gofore can give feedback if for example flexibility in specs isnt there as envisioned

Meelis - Need to define “Plug-n-Play”. Starting with one application doesn’t have to imply that we are building specifically for that application

Nico - We might get to conflicts between business/use case requirements and specificied technical functionalities/APIs

Wes - Showing use case template, states the need for admin UI to select use case and BB implementations

Nico - The sandbox should not just be for technical people, hopefully most of the technical configuration can be hidden by the application/service

Meelis - Data management will be difficult given many micro-services involved

  • Wes - This is a part of the ToRs (3.3.3. Synthetic data requirements)

Harri - Derive from use cases, what BB are neeeded. “Building blocks can be removed and new ones added”

  • Wes - Let’s not mix the references to “Building Blocks” and applications that implement the building block spec. The building blocks stay the same, the underlying applications stay the same

Jarkko - Get something concrete done quickly versus long-term development with little to show in the short-term

Nico - pressing issues: Define plug-an-play, select use case, derive needed BB and respective software applications

Wes - Adaptors will be needed short and mid term to integrate BB applications. Long term we hope that apps are native compliant

 Action items

@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) Define Plug-n-Play
Comment on Sandbox Vision Sandbox Vision - Demo/Sandbox - GovStack Wiki (atlassian.net) document until Oct 31, 2022 @Marko Kilpeläinen @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @jarkkohyoty @Bert Viikmäe (Deactivated)


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