2023-12-07 Minikube Video

2023-12-07 Minikube Video


Dec 7, 2023


  • @Nico Lueck

  • @Oleksii Danyliuk


Video 1: Introduction @Nico Lueck

Screen: PPT Slides


  1. Explain Sandbox and Minikube Scope

  2. Explain USCT Use Case

  3. Explain Architecture

Video 2: Deployment @Oleksii Danyliuk

Screen: Full screen command window

Video 3: UI Walk-Through

Video 3a: UI + Diagrams @Nico Lueck

Screen: Left-side Browser, right-side diagrams


  1. Explain diagram types

  2. Click through “Enrollment Officer” steps and explain API calls based on diagram

Video 3b: UI + browser/K9S @Oleksii Danyliuk

Screen: Left-side browser, right-side K9S


  1. Start in USCT UI

  2. Click through “Enrollment Officer” steps

    1. Show API Call by frontend through browser developer tool

    2. Show API Call from Backend through X-Road to Emulator through K9S

    3. Show X-Road Security Server admin and registered services

More videos in backlog

  • How to add new applications to join x-road ecosystem (e.g. Add a new emulator and channel frontend calls to that emulator)

  • Expose the API of a government authority (in this case of an BB Emulator) and consume by a new service (in this case a small additional front end application)



Video 1: Intro

First try, prototype








Welcome to the the video series on our DIY Minikube version of our GovStack Sandbox.

The GovStack Sandbox offers Government Digital Teams practical tools to learn and test the Building Block architecture.

The Minikube version of one of our use cases, is a lightweight and easy to deploy package of key components of the GovStack architecture.

In this video series, we will show you

  • Scope and architecture of the Minikube version

  • How to deploy

  • Walk-through of the use case

  • and adding over the time

Agenda slide


To build an example implementation of the GovStach architecture, we decided for a use case called Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

Unconditional Social Cash Transfer (USCT) programs help families meet their basic needs for well-being and safety and serves as their path to self-sufficiency. The transfers are cash payments provided to financially disadvantaged or vulnerable people or households without requiring anything in return.

For a full picture of the use case, visit our GovStack Simulation. For the sandbox, we implemented selected steps.

Screenshot USCT Dashboard

Fade-in Screenshot of Simulation


Our demo architecture usually consists of actual Building Block implementations like MOSIP (ID), Mifos (Payment), X-Road (Information Mediator). The demo accessible via our Gitbook page, uses these software solutions.

These are example implementations. You can build the stack with other software solutions as well.

For this easy to deploy version, we exchanged Building Blocks Software Implementations with Building Block Emulators.

USCT Demo Architecture


Building block emulators are simple application that “emulates“ the behaviour of specific building block (BB).

The implementations are based on Govstack Specification. They are example implementation that mimics the actual behaviour of BB.

They may not provide the complete functionality of specific BB, but should should provide necessary API endpoints to accomplish specific use-case.

Screenshot Gitbook BB Emualtors


Let’s look at the Architecture of the Minikube version

On this diagram, you can see the Use Case frontend which is executed by the users’s browser.

You see the Use Case backend which is in charge of orchestrating API calls and the basic business logic.

We have the information Mediator, in our case, X-Road with Security server to securely channel data between Building Blocks and other Applications.

And there are the Building Block Emulators which mimic the behavior of an actual BUilding Block Implementation.

All the components you see here are part of the Minikube version.

Architecture Diagram


In the next videos, we will show you, how you can deploy and walk-through the use case.

Everything mentioned in this or the upcoming videos, you will find explanations, instructions and code on either Gitbook or Github.


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