2023-06-22 Portal Sync
@Vasil Kolev @Jonas Bergmeier and partly @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)
Goal of this meeting was to scope a first outline of what the portal should cover.
portal for technical users (infrastructure monitoring = minimum viable portal)
show infrastructure of use case
building blocks
available bb
deployed bb
pots from kubernetes that are deployed
services in the kub pots
manage BBs (single and independent)
show list of bbs
descriptions, links, etc.
show logs of bbs
deploy bb (bb has responsibility to state availability, sandbox will use their plugin interface to check)
list of active instances of BB
test passed…
links and info
swagger UI
data management
create new instance of BB
stop/shutdown bb ?
beyond v1 features
create and manage database entities, such as individuals, program packages and their eligibility conditions etc.
portal for non-technical users
show accessible use cases and scenarios
show informations and descriptions of use cases
show dependencies to BBs and infra
show which instances are involved in the use case
button to make it live
check running BBs
use running BBs
(challenge with big BBs like mosip because it takes long to deploy, we may be able to use delegates)
(we may implement adapters ourselves, because this will be compliance strategy to make non-compliant BBs to comply) —> we will re-check this in 1-2 months
(mapping via xroad api after deployment is a challenge)
unclarities as of 2023-06-22
what’s in the cluster? —> we need API to check that, will be checked by Tsveto in next sprint
BB have no mandatory interfaces which make them recognizable and make them behave like plugins
BBs will be pushed by us to build such plugins