Bittersweet x Gofore Meeting 20.04.2023

Participants: @Martha Vasquez @Jonas Bergmeier @Dave Baker @Janie Hayes



  • Simulation onboarding page integration funnel

  • Simulation integration itself

    • Sitemap for developers

    • Funnel for the implementation

  • User Analytics integration

  • GovStack redesign - Styleguide

  • next steps


Action and notes



Action and notes


Simulation onboarding page integration

  • implementable easily, structures and styles would be transferable easy

  • FIGMA will be shared

  • simulation would be considered more from BB / principle explanation to educate non-technical users

    • under offering section

What's the funnel for it?

What do you need from us?

Who is the person of contact?

Simulation integration itself

  • subdomain would be possible

  • deployments of updates

    • pointing to our hosting environment

    • Aaron Pompeii from UN foundation can answer hosting/config questions

    • wordpress specific hosting environment

    • jamstack infrastructure

What do you need from our developers?



User Analytics integration

GA a lot of work

Maybe Hotjar? Check data privacy

We’d like to have a statistic so we can optimise the simulation

GovStack redesign - Styleguide


Can we get an icon library or a style guide to match the simulation with the new design?

Next Steps

@Martha Vasquez send Janie User Test report, Prototype and Empathy Map

Dave will share the Styleguide and Icon library with us
Give contact info of Priit to bittersweet for the simulation hosting
Content check will be provided by Janie (onboarding page)