Use Case Step | Use Case: PostPartum and Infant Care, Step: Registration (provide link to UC when complete) |
Preconditions (list of conditions that MUST be met in order to be able to successfully execute this process) |
Data inputs |
Actors (the people, organizations, computer systems - hardware and software, and building blocks that participate in the activity) | Human: Government-accredited health worker, A woman who has delivered her first baby System:
Normal Course (what happens if the event is triggered and the preconditions have been met) | The registration form screen for the MCC application provides a list of initial details required to proceed with the registration (eligibility verification, required documents, required fees). Step 1: The health worker enters the required initial details, including, but not limited to the following:
Feature: Get Consent Agreement
Scenario: MCC Application retrieves Consent Agreement for Mother
Given an Agreement for MCC user registration exists in Consent BB
And MCC Application has MCC application has Mother's <ID> and authentication token for the registration session
When MCC application fetches a Consent Agreement for MCC user registration
Then MCC application gets a valid Draft Consent Agreement associated with Mother's ID
Consent: Get the agreement: /service/agreement/{agreementId}/ Get the related policy: /service/policy/{policyId}/ Get related purpose: /service/purpose/{purposeId}/ Get related agreement data: /service/agreement/{agreementId}/agreementdata/
Step 2: The health worker (via MCC Application) introduces to the Mother the Consent Agreement for fetching the relevant details from the Population registry for verification and appropriate use with the MCC and captures signature to the Consent Agreement from the Mother. Feature: Sign Consent Record
Given MCC Application has the Draft Consent Agreement associated with Mother's ID
And MCC application has Mother's <ID> and authentication token for the registration session
And Mother has read the Draft Consent Agreement
And Mother approves to sign the Draft Consent Agreement associated with Mother's ID
Scenario: Sign Consent Record on Paper
Given MCC application has captured the consent in a digital form (for example: scan of a paper form)
When MCC sends digital Consent Record payload to Consent BB
Then Consent BB digitally signs Consent Record
And Consent BB confirms to MCC Application that Consent Record for Mother has been successfully signed
Scenario: Sign Consent Record Digitally
Given Mother has capability to sign Consent Record digitally
When MCC sends the Draft Consent Agreement to Consent BB
Then Consent BB creates a paired ConsentRecord and Signature object
And Consent BB digitally signes Consent Record
And Consent BB confirms to MCC Application that Consent Record for Mother has been successfully signed
Consent: Provide links to relevant Consent APIs for this step
Step 3: The MCC application form submits the verified national ID number to the Population registry hosted in the IDBB/Digital Registries BB seeking relevant details of the mother, by invoking the API “Data read value” on the Govstack Digital Registries BB. This scenario uses a set of features:
Feature: Verify Consent Record
MCC Application verifies if Mother has signed Consent Record to fetch the needed personal data from Population registry for MCC user registration
Scenario: Retrieve valid Consent Record
Given Mother has Signed Consent Record stored in Consent BB
When MCC Application makes the request to population registry API to fetch Mother's personal data
Then MCC Application makes prior request to Consent BB API to retrieve Mother's Signed Consent Record
And Consent BB sends the signed Consent Record to MCC Application
Feature: Imports client personal data from a registry
Import Mother's pesonal information from Population Registry to the e-service form
Given Mother has entered <ID> in the Registration e-service registration form, national ID number field
And MCC Application has received Signed Consent Record from Consent BB
When the MCC Application user pushes a button "Import Mothers's information"
Then the MCC Application makes a request to Population Registry API
And Population Registry returns requested data to MCC Application
And MCC Application fills the form on the screen with Mothers data <ID>,<first>, <last>, <birth>
Consent Provide links to relevant Consent APIs
Registration Provide links to Registration APIs, such as: /data/crs/2.9/read
In response, the Govstack IDBB/ Digital Registries BB is expected to return the following:
{ |
Alternative Course (links to other use cases in case there are different ways how to solve the same use case) | If the mother does not possess a national ID, the registration application needs to provide an alternate mechanism for the health worker to verify the details of the mother. GetIdentityProfile - elaborate
“GET /dataconsumer/consent/” |
Data output | The successful completion of the postpartum and infant care registration process will result in confirmation and issuance of a program-specific ID that can be used by the mother for future interactions with the program. { |
Post-Conditions (the success criteria) | The mother and child are registered in the mother and child care program registry. |
Exceptions (error situations) |
Related BBs (working groups related to this example implementation) | Identity BB Consent BB Registration BB Digital Registries BB |
Sequence Diagram |