WG Annual Charter Template
Status | Draft |
Version | 0.0.1 |
Current notice | Working on crafting a document out of these references: <i class="todo">[name]</i> <i class="todo">(Working|Interest)</i> Group Charter |
Contact | Ali González, ali@basicavisual.io |
(Name) Working Group Charter [year]
Description: The [year] mission of the [name] (Working) Group is to [do something cool and specific on the WG Topic].
Specifications under observance | [Link to specification] [Link to specification] |
Start date | [dd monthname yyyy] (date of the "Call for Participation", when the charter is approved) |
End date | [dd monthname yyyy] (Start date + 1 year) |
Facilitators | [person name] (affiliation) [person name] (affiliation) [person name] (affiliation) [person name] (affiliation) |
Join the Group | [Link to public page] [Link to slack channel] |
Meeting Schedule | (Regular meetup schedule in the following format) [Tuesdays at 14:00 GMT at (Link)] [Link to calendar feed] |
Past charters | [Link to past charter] [Link to past charter] [Link to past charter] |
1. Motivation and Background
2. Scope for [year]
2.1 Out of scope
3. Deliverables
3.1 Tentative Deliverables
3.4 Timeline
Success Criteria