

Phase 1:

Limit the scope of work to the following

  • Ability to create and manage keys in remote QSCD.

    • This is needed to support the server-side signing of documents. Mostly used by applications without much user involvement.

    • Use cases like Payroll signing, agreement signing etc are handled using this API. Does not require an individual or would not interact with the ID building block.

  • Ability to create & sign using dynamic short-lived keys in remote HSM.

    • This is needed to support the ID BB-based signature. Mostly used by the end user to sign documents or by the applications on behalf of the end user and sign.

    • Use cases like consent, tax filing, request for registration etc can be handled.

  • Support for the following signature formats:

    • XAdES

    • CAdES

    • ASIC

    • JWS (RFC 7515)

    • PAdES

  • No administrative APIs are needed to cater to this requirement. So administrative APIs will be left out of the scope

  • Client-side libraries to be provided to merge the signature with payload ( PDF, XML & JSON)

Use case:

Step 1: The agent asks the mother to register for mother-child care and opens the UI BB for Registration BB.

Step 2: Mother authenticates herself using biometrics. (ID BB) and provides scope access to e-sign.

Step 3: The child is verified using his/her identification.

Step 4: A form is shown to the mother by the registration bb (UI BB of the registration bb)

Step 5: The agent helps her in filling in the details & explains the terms and conditions.

Step 6: Mother decides to sign the form, terms & conditions and clicks the “Sign using e-signature” button.

Step 7: The UI BB submits to the details to the Registration BB.

Step 8: The Registration BB calls the e-signature BB with an access token from the ID BB.

Step 9: The e-signature BB will call the token to introspect the API of the ID BB.

Step 10: The ID BB returns the user details, user PSUT (Partner Specific User Token) and the scope as consented.

Step 11: The e-signature BB verifies the information, if ok then signs (look for alternate flows) the given Hash in the requested format. The signature would have been timestamped.

Alternate Flow 1:

The e-signature block creates a random signature key which is valid for 5 minutes. Creates certificate with the user details filled in X509 V3.

Alternate Flow 2:

The e-signature block asks the PIN of the user to verify the certificate validity and sign using the QSCD.

Step 12: The e-signature BB would return the signature (as per the requested format) to the registration BB.

Step 13: The registration BB will call the e-signature client-side library to merge the given signature to the document if needed.

Step 14: The e-signature client-side library will return the final document to the Registration BB.

Step 15: The Registration BB would store this signed information and would let the user review and download the signed & completed application.


Logical Process Blueprint


This table describes all the input and output needed from the building blocks.

From BB



To Input

To Output


From BB



To Input

To Output


e-Signature BB


Check if the given access token is valid

access token, client id

validity as per RFC 7662


e-Signature BB


Get the user name and age details

Input access token, client id

get user info object as per openid spec


e-Signature BB

Payment BB

Redirect & collect the payment

Payment amount

result of payment


e-Signature BB

Payment BB

Check the payment status/result

user id, transaction id

payment result, amount, payment date


Registration BB

e-Signature BB

Register/Onboard the user on QSCD

access token, client id, call back URL, signed jwt

Redirect the browser


e-Signature BB


Check if the registration BB call back URL is registered. Check if the registration BB is listed

registration bb’s signed JWT request

Yes/No - based on the validity of JWT and client id.


Consent BB/Any BB


Sign the hash.

hash, format, user access token, bb’s signed JWT request, type of key (RSA, ECC etc)

Signature, Certificate.


Consent BB/Any BB


Check for validity of signature, this service should be available for everyone.

hash, signature, format, user access token (optional)



Consent BB/Any BB


Get information about the e-signature building block


Signature device support (QSCD, HSM), formats (xaeds …), algorithm (RSA, ECC..), revocation details, timestamp URL, ID BB supported, Supported CA and CA certificate url.


Consent BB/Any BB

e-Signature (Client)

Ability to merge the files for embedded signatures

document, hash, format

signed document



Sequence diagram

HSM Based Single key per sign


QSCD based signature using PIN/Password


Remote QSCD Onboarding


Attached is the board that’s used in the GitBook Description.