August 4, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes

August 4, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes



  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

  • @Esther Ogunjimi (Unlicensed)

  • @nashcroft (Unlicensed)

  • @Taylor Downs

  • @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)

  • @Jaume DUBOIS

  • @Jake Watson

Meeting Note







Specifications now and next on docs.govstack.global - 10 minutes

 @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

Rachel working on GitHub migration.


Activity pipelines for specifications, API testing, use-case demo - 30 minutes


@Taylor Downs



Three levels of testing we want to focus on now:

  1. functional, blackbox (unit)

  2. integration

  3. interoperability

BB specs need to have services defined with inputs and outputs

@Jaume DUBOIS cautions against over engineering/over thinking the testing

We are blocked with some tests b/c we do not yet have OpenAPI specs completed

@Taylor Downs presented technical approach proposal to testing deck <insert>; covers the first two (above), blackbox and integration.



Tech pieces:

  1. Ansible

  2. Cucumber

  3. CircleCI

Important to level set on terminology, e.g.

prioritize APIs from each BB to be taken up for testing, integration pipeline- BB+Demo teams - 30 minutes


@Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated) notes

  • he will be hosting hands-on meeting to report/analyse the status of testing Tomorrow at 10am CET

  • Consent BB has started to working the suggested direction (re: Ramkumar, Taylor) The internal goal is to be ready for outside DPG (or equivalent) testing by the end of August

Demo platform - Review status, roadmap + infra + resource requirements

@Taylor Downs , @Max Carlson

 Goal is to develop an actionable backlog that people new to effort are able to join and contribute.

Open issues - 10 mins

@Jake Watson

Review action items


Action Items

@PSRAMKUMAR share testing table
@Taylor Downs share test approach proposal deck for review
@PSRAMKUMAR to list BBs that do not yet have OpenAPI specs, as this blocks automated testing according to test approach proposal @Taylor Downs presented. We need the list
Debate and approve test approach in next Technical Committee (@Jake Watson can facilitate discussion if need be)
@Jaume DUBOIS to set up a meeting with MOSIP to review test approach with @Taylor Downs , @PSRAMKUMAR (@Jake Watson as optional)



  1. Need to use a meeting platform that provides for call-in numbers