Example Implementation for P2G Bill Payments

Example Implementation for P2G Bill Payments

Use Case Step

USE CASE: P2G Bill payments


Step 1: The Government Agency sends the invoice to the payer through the initiating DPG that initiated the transaction. The Invoice contains the data detailed in the header and multiple elements containing the fee, duty or tax details. The data model of the invoice is in the table labeled header info.

Step 2: Simultaneously with step 1, the Government Agency sends the invoice to the Bill Aggregator BAn through the initiating DPG that initiated the transaction. Because many Bill Aggregators exist BAn Is the Bill Aggregator identified uniquely BA1, BA2…  the Invoice contains the data detailed in the header and multiple elements containing the fee, duty or tax details. The data model of the invoice is in the table labeled of the multiple elements.

Step 3: Bill Aggregator sends the invoice reference to the Payment BB with the data model in the table labeled Payment BB Invoice  Reference.

Step 4: The payer requests to pay at his preferred FSP by indicating his invoice reference.

 Step 5: The FSP system requests the invoice details from the Payment Building Block indicating the invoice reference.

Step 6: The Payment BB requests the invoice details from the Bill Aggregator BAn Block indicating the invoice reference and using the previous routing information received in step 3.

Step 7: The Bill Aggregator BAn Block sends the Invoice details requests the invoice data to the Payment Building Block (refer to step 1 for data details).

Step 8: The Payment BB sends the Invoice details requests the invoice data to the FSP (refer to data model of step 1 ).

Step 9: The FSP executes the payment by transferring the associated amounts to the associated accounts per tax/duty or fee type using the “Routing accounts details” table (data model detailed in the table labeled Routing Accounts Details for FSPs sent by Payment BB at transaction execution).

Step 10: The FSP Sends the “Payment Reference details” (Data model detailed in the table labeled Payment Reference Details) to the Payment Building Block.

Step 11: The Payment Building Block sends the “Payment Reference details” to the Bill Aggregator BAn.

Step 12: The Bill Aggregator BAn Block sends the “Payment Reference details” to the Government Agency DPG.





  • A bill is generated in the source BB or government entity


Data inputs

  • Bill reference

  • Bill data


(the people, organization, computer systems - hardware and software, and building blocks that participate in the activity)


  • Payer (person)


  • Source Building Block (SBB) or government agency

  • Payment BB

  • Bill Aggregator BAn

  • Financial Service Provider FSP

Normal Course (what happens if the event is triggered and the preconditions have been met)

Provides a step-by-step description of the normal flow of the implementation of a P2G payment:

Step 1: The Government Agency sends the invoice to the payer.

Step 2: Simultaneously with step 1, the Government Agency sends the invoice to the Bill Aggregator BAn.

Step 3: Bill Aggregator sends the invoice reference to the Payment BB.

Step 4: The payer requests to pay at his preferred FSP by indicating his invoice reference.

 Step 5: The FSP system requests the invoice details from the Payment Building Block.

Step 6: The Payment BB requests the invoice details from the Bill Aggregator BAn Block.

Step 7: The Bill Aggregator BAn Block sends the Invoice details requests the invoice data to the Payment Building Block.

Step 8: The Payment BB sends the Invoice details requests the invoice data to the FSP.

Step 9: The FSP executes the payment.

Step 10: The FSP Sends the “Payment Reference details” to the Payment Building Block.

Step 11: The Payment Building Block sends the “Payment Reference details” to the Bill Aggregator BAn.

Step 12: The Bill Aggregator BAn Block sends the “Payment Reference details” to the Government Agency DPG.

Alternative Course

(links to other use cases in case there are different ways how to solve the same use case)

Description of alternate paths or flows that may be needed for this example implementation. These alternates should include links to test files, APIs, and data structures as well.



Data output


Post-Conditions (the success criteria)

The FSP sends a Payment success to the Payment BB.


(error situations)

  • Invoice reference not found

Related BBs

(working groups related to this implementation example)

  • Source Building Block SBB

Sequence Diagram


Links to Code

Provide any links to relevant code that has been developed for automated tests or example implementations.


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