Testing roadmap for 2023 Q3 and forward

Testing roadmap for 2023 Q3 and forward

As one of the next steps, being able to monitor the actual work of the Messaging BB will / should be developed. This is highly important due to the Messaging BB being

  1. one of the key components of a full-fledged service;

  2. open to many third-party service providers, which reliability and security can not be guaranteed by the Messaging BB.

By using application logs as the source of truth for monitoring purposes, generic tests can be created to check the validity of these very same application log files used as input. Also, when using some third-party solutions to generate alerts based on incoming requests and log files, additional tests to check the integrity of source files, etc, are most likely missing.

Having these tests will also reduce the cost of penetration testing - the more clients adopt the Messaging BB, the more is saved by having these crucial tests as part of the core service.

The proposed tasks have been described at

MSG-104: Requests and responses monitoring for the Messaging BBProposed as an epic.

The results of these developments would be generic and could be used in other projects / BBs as well.


The roadmap with fixed deadlines can not be defined as it needs additional developments, which have not been procured yet. Instead, a timeline with the expected necessary resources is proposed.

Working hours to develop these functionalities are based on the assumption of “not more than”, meaning that lesser working hours might be expected.