OCP-01-Permit Issuing

OCP-01-Permit Issuing


USE CASE: Online Construction Permit

STEP: Permit Issuing

TYPE: Online Permit Issuing


(list of conditions that MUST be met in order to be able to successfully execute this process)

  • Applicant’s construction permit application has been reviewed and approved successfully.

  • Optional in-person building site inspection has been conducted.

  • Permit construction standards of structural safety, fire safety, the control of toxic substances, ventilation, sanitation, fall-protection and general safety measures have been met and will be implemented during the design, installation and inspection of building construction works.

  • Applicant has the ability to accept payments as specified in the program (for example bank account).

  • Applicant has the ability to accept messages as specified in the program (for example email).

  • Applicant’s National Identification Number can be mapped to payment information coming from Payments BB mapping.

  • Ministry's or the municipalities' websites have infrastructure ready for storing and processing data involved in permit issueing process.

  • All necessary building blocks and workflows have been set up (including Scheduler BB and workflows connected to it from previous steps).


Data inputs will/ might be country/ municipality specific and thus here are listed these

Note: Details on Data Inputs will most likely depend on Building Blocks that are not yet available. For now high level inputs are listed.

  • permit

  • application

  • applicant

  • notification



  • Leading Organization (Ministry of Urban Development, housing and planning) or Government’s platform

  • Participators group(s) (citizens and professionals seeking the permit approval)


  • Consent BB

  • Digital Registries BB

  • Information Mediator BB

  • Payments BB

  • Messaging BB

  • Scheduler BB

  • Workflow BB



Participator of the program will be issued a permit and notified via the permit issuing platform and/or be printed out the permit document with an official stamp.

Provided that

Their application was reviewed and approved, any optional in-person inspections have been conducted and all outstanding fees have been paid.

Step 1: Check the status of participator’s application

Description: System or governmental officials checks if the application was reviewed and successfully approved and if no payments are due and the application can be proceeded to be closed and permit be issued.

Step 1.1: Check whether the application was approved or not

Feature: Check the status of an application Scenerio: Participator's application has been approved Given the application has been approved And any optional in-person checks have been conducted When governmental official doesn't see any outstanding issues Then the application is ready to be closed And permit is ready to be issued

Relevant Digital Registries BB endpoints:

  • /data/{registryName}/{versionNumber}/{uuid}/readValue/{field}.{ext}

    • Verify that the application was reviewed

    • Verify that no additional checks are needed

Step 1.2: Check whether all fees were paid

Feature: Check payments for the permit of an application Scenerio: All payments connected to the application were paid Given the application has been approved And all final payments have been paid When governmental official doesn't see any outstanding issues Then the application is ready to be closed And permit is ready to be issued

Relevant Payments BB endpoints:

  • /api/v1/batch/detail

    • Check details of a payment

Step 2: Permit issuing

Description: Creating a workflow for procuring the permit and notifying all relevant individuals/stakeholders. Permit is issued on an official platform used for permit issuing. Governmental official can either use the created workflow or issue the permit manually.

Step 2.1: Create a workflow for issuing a permit (optional)

Feature: Create new workflow Scenerio: Create new workflow for issueing permit for the approved application Given that the application is ready to be closed And permit is ready to be issued When governmental official connects Workflow BB to Digital Registries BB And initilizes the workflow creation And governmental official sets the change of a the status of the application to "Permit Issued" as trigger And a new permit document is automatically created after the status change And all data from the application match data in the new permit document And the new permit document is uploaded on a governmental platform for issued permits Then new workflow is created And new trigger is created And a whole workflow is saved

Relevant Workflow BB endpoints:

  • /processes

    • POST a new process

Relevant Digital Registries endpoints:

  • /data/{registryName}/{versionNumber}

    • GET an application to check it

  • /data/{registryName}/{versionNumber}/update

    • UPDATE the application’s status

  • /data/{registryName}/{versionNumber}/create

    • CREATE a permit document

Step 2.2: Create workflow for notifing the participator of the issued permit (optional)

Feature: Create new communication workflow Scenerio: Create new workflow for notifying the participator about the issued permit Given the worker has access to the workflow management (to nowa rola) And Workflow is connected to the Digital Registry BB And Workflow is connected to the Scheduler BB And Workflow is connected to the Messaging BB When governmental official creates new communication workflow And the permit was issued And participator has consented to receiving messages And content of notification messages was prepared And participator contact information is in the DB And successful upload of a permit on a governmental platform for issued permits is set as a trigger And designated email provider relays this message through Scheduler BB to Messaging BB Then new workflow is created And new trigger is created And a whole workflow is saved

Relevant Workflow BB endpoints:

  • /processes

    • POST a new process

Relevant Messaging BB endpoints:

  • /send/email/single

    • Send email

Relevant Scheduler BB endpoints:

  • /event/modifications

    • Changes details of specific event

Relevant Consent BB endpoints:

  • /service/individual/{individualId}

    • GET the participator’s consent status

Step 2.3: Issue and publish the permit

Feature: Issue and publish a permit Scenerio: Issuing permit for the approved application and publish it on governmental platform Given that the application is ready to be closed And permit is ready to be issued And all relevant workflows were created When governmental official triggers the permit issuing workflow Then a new permit document is created And all data from the application match data in the new permit document And the new permit document is now available on a governmental platform for issued permits

Relevant Workflow BB endpoints:

  • /processes/{processId}

    • GET information about a workflow

  • /processes/{processId}/start

    • POST - initialize a workflow

Step 2.4: Notify the participator of the issued permit

Feature: Notify the participator Scenerio: Notify the participator about the issued permit Given that the permit was issued And participator has consented to receiving messages And content of notification messages was prepared And participator contact information is in the DB And all relevant workflows were created When a set workflow is triggered automatically Then the notification email is send

Relevant Workflow BB endpoints:

  • /processes/{processId}

    • GET information about a workflow

  • /processes/{processId}/start

    • POST - initialize a workflow

Relevant Messaging BB endpoints:

  • /send/email/single

    • Send email

Step 3: Verify the issued permit authenticity and validity

Description: When there is a verification onsite for the construction, a governmental official conducting the verification can validate the permit of the person responsible for the construction.

Feature: Verify the permit Scenerio: Verify that the permit is authentic and valid Given that the governmental official wants to verify the permit When the governmental official checks the permit id in the governmental platform Then the permit information can be read online And permit data matches the information about a construction that is being verified

Relevant Digital Registries endpoints:

  • /data/{registryName}/{versionNumber}

    • GET - checks the permit


Participator of the program is notified that the permit was issued and needs to go to the local authorities to receive a physical copy of a permit document.


Issued permit information is available on the governmental platform.


  1. Applicant is informed about the successfully issued permit.

  2. Successfully issued permit is noted in the governmental and/or local database.


  • Participator’s application was not approved

  • Participator hasn’t finished their payments

  • Participator has invoked their consent for communication


  • Consent BB

  • Digital Registries BB

  • Information Mediator BB

  • Payments BB

  • Messaging BB

  • Scheduler BB

  • Workflow BB



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