Scheduler Building Block

Scheduler Building Block

Presentation for the Lesotho Deep Dive

Please find below the presentation prepared by Dr. Ramumar for the Lesotho Deep Dive 2024.

Video presentation from the experts

The following video describes Scheduler BB, its capabilities, and its scope. It is presented by the Technical Working Group Lead, Dr. P.S Ramkumar during the GovStack Deep Dive in Egypt 2023.


Presentation to be used in training: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1n5zQN02O7BIr28Io0w7YucHOewFtva0c/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107531587157017296326&rtpof=true&sd=true

Below is the presentation used by Dr. P.S Ramkumar during the GovStack Deep Dive in Egypt 2023.
