Information Mediator Building Block

Information Mediator Building Block

Interactive course on Identity BB and its use cases

The Information Mediator Building Blocking provides a gateway for exchange of data and services among GovStack Building Blocks through open-API rest-based interfaces to ensure interoperability and implementation of standards. The Information Mediator provides mechanisms for applications/Building Blocks to publish and consume services and event notifications among other GovStack Building Blocks.

Video presentation from the experts

The following video describes Information Mediator BB, its capabilities, and its scope. It is presented by the Technical Working Group Lead, Mr. Aleksander Reitsaka during the GovStack Deep Dive in Egypt 2023.

Presentation to be used in training: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MGKQWIaVfyUhItgG1axLpTnYtGLnJZTm/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107531587157017296326&rtpof=true&sd=true

Below is the presentation used by Mr. Aleksander Reitsaka during the GovStack Deep Dive in Egypt 2023.

BB in action: A demonstration video for Information Mediator Building Block:

The below video demonstrates the usage of Information Mediator BB as part of the open-source software product available in the GovStack Sandbox.

Demonstration video 1: GovStack Information Mediator building block - PubSub setup and PubSub messaging Demo

Demonstration video 2: GovStack Information Mediator building block - PubSub management demo



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