
This section provides context for this Building Block.

A Digital Credential Wallet is a specialized type of digital wallet designed to securely store, manage, and present digital credentials in a digital format. Digital credentials, also known as Verifiable Credentials (VCs), represent a user's qualifications, achievements, or attributes in a digital form. Unlike physical credentials, such as paper certificates or ID cards, digital credentials can be stored and presented electronically.

Key characteristics of a Digital Credential Wallet include:

  1. Storage of Verifiable Credentials: The primary purpose of a Digital Credential Wallet is to store and manage Verifiable Credentials issued by trusted entities. These credentials can include educational qualifications, professional certifications, government-issued IDs, and more.

  2. User Control: Users have control over their digital credentials, deciding when and how to share them. This gives individuals the ability to present specific credentials for verification without revealing unnecessary personal information.

  3. Presentation and Verification: Users can present their digital credentials electronically, for example, during job interviews, online transactions, or identity verification processes. Verifiers can independently verify the authenticity of these credentials.

  4. Revocation and Expiry: Digital Credential Wallets should support the revocation and expiration of credentials. If a credential becomes invalid or expires, the wallet should reflect these changes, ensuring the most up-to-date information is presented.

  5. Interoperability: Digital Credential Wallets aim to be interoperable with various issuers and verifiers. They adhere to standards like the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials data model to ensure compatibility across different systems.

  6. Privacy and Security: Digital Credential Wallets prioritize the privacy and security of users' credential information. They often leverage cryptographic techniques and secure storage mechanisms to protect sensitive data.

  7. Multi-Purpose Use: While the primary focus is on educational and professional credentials, Digital Credential Wallets can extend their functionality to include other types of verifiable information, such as health records, access permissions, travel documents or certifications for specific skills.

Digital Credential Wallets play a crucial role in the broader landscape of decentralized identity and self-sovereign identity systems. They empower individuals with greater control over their personal information, reduce reliance on central authorities for identity verification, and enhance privacy in digital interactions. These wallets are often associated with emerging technologies like blockchain and distributed ledger systems to provide a secure and decentralized foundation.

The Wallet Building Block (Wallet BB) provides standardized specification for building Digital Credential Wallets. This building block aims to streamline and simplify the issuance, verification, storage, and retrieval of Verifiable Credentials (VCs) in a decentralized and privacy-centric manner.

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Wallet Ecosystem