2024-08-13 Payments BB WG Meeting notes
Aug 13, 2024
@Kibuuka, Arnold
@Mauree, Venkatesen
@Oscar Correia
@James Dailey
@David Higgins
@Florian Greunz (Mastercard)
Christoph Auer (Mastercard)
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Multicurrency Implementation | @Oscar Correia |
Mastercard proposal for Cross-Border Payments
| Florian Greunz from MasterCard provided an update on the potential integration of MasterCard's Cross-Border Services platform with the Payments Building Block. He focused on two potential models:
The group leaned towards Model B as the preferred option, recognizing its potential to enhance the value proposition of the Payments Building Block by extending its capabilities to include efficient and transparent cross-border payments. @David Higgins questioned the possibility of batch instructions for scenarios like making multiple pension payments in a different currency. He also inquired about the payments building block's role, whether it should be a "dumb pipe" that passes transfers to MasterCard or have some decision-making capability. @Mauree, Venkatesen emphasized the need for the Payments Building Block to remain an open solution capable of integrating with various partners, ensuring flexibility and adaptability to different government policies and preferences. @Mauree, Venkatesen suggested circulating Florian's presentation to all members for feedback and scheduling a separate meeting with @PSRAMKUMAR to get his input, as he was not present in the current meeting. She also proposed targeting the following week for the next working group meeting to allow time for the subgroup to meet and gather feedback |
Action items
- A multicurrency subgroup headed by @Oscar Correia was created.