TASK: A realistic roadmap until December 2022 for
improving width and depth of scope in specifications beyond phase-1
Validating current specification coverage for other use cases (DIAL catalog and other country engagement inputs) including additional domains such as agriculture,education,etc.
Enhancing Demo platform integration with existing platforms and use cases
Supporting procurement group in technical interactions with selected vendors as needed for technical/ specification clarifications
Technical hands-on involvement in landing, hosting, functional and interop testing and integration of vendor delivered BBs s/w into Govstack Sandbox
Development of proto-user journeys at application level using BBs and example use-cases
To be presented at annual meeting in Berlin with clarity on the following:
Major target goals by September and December 2022 considering the group's involvement in all aspects 1-6 above.
Monthly milestones in scope from to reach these goals?
Major deliverables at each milestone?
Major activities needed to reach each milestone?
Expertise and skilled resources required along time line to achieve this goal
Allocation of team members to own up responsibility for specific activities
Any dependencies on other BB groups/vendors/etc for specific deliverables
Specify any needs other than human resources, (such as tools/ training/ etc)
Resourcing requirements within your groups to be considered such as:
Hands-on technical skills to onboard, validate, integrate, configure, host and operate BB and sandbox software delivered by vendors
domain expertise for continuous improvement of Govstack specifications considering additional use cases, standards and products
Communication with product/country engagement teams to map product/usecase requirements into technical requirements and match/upgrade Govstack component features
common developer resource pool supervised by BB groups to build out and test prototype "applications" that can demonstrate user-journeys from bbs.