Registration BB products

Registration BB products

A list of products on the market that are similar or same with Registration BB specification (detailed compliance must be analyzed).

Registration solutions (mostly matching BB specs)

Systems built exactly for the defined use case of the Registrations Building Block, i.e. registration processes of citizens and its processing by government officials.

  1. eRegistrations (UNCTAD) https://digitalgovernment.world/digital-single-windows/

    1. current basis for the BB specification

  2. OpenCRVS https://www.opencrvs.org/

Case Management solutions (matching several but not all BB specs)

Systems built for tracking potential complex workflows around individuals as a CRM/MIS/… software for the internal use by employees but not necessarily including functionality for citizens to interact with the system themselves.

  1. Primero https://www.primero.org/

  2. Dimagi CommCare https://www.dimagi.com/commcare/

  3. Aam Digital https://aam-digital.com/

Survey tools

allow building of custom forms to collect data but do not support status changes, back office processing or similar workflows.

  1. ODK https://getodk.org/

  2. KoboToolbox https://www.kobotoolbox.org/

  3. Typeform https://try.typeform.com/

    1. can be integrated with further tools like a CRM

  4. Google Forms https://www.google.com/forms/about/

[TODO] Products to be pre-screened

  1. Joget https://www.joget.org/product/

  2. Kwantu https://kwantu.net/portal/kwantu/circular/602faa76e14abdb53447cfdf/62446dd303a72444c3ce5d2a

  3. Pega https://www.pega.com/products

  4. Spoku https://spoku.ee/

  5. Orbeon https://www.orbeon.com/

  6. Webiny https://www.webiny.com/

  7. Formflow http://formsflow.ai

  8. FormSG https://form.gov.sg/

  9. Alpaca http://www.alpacajs.org/

  10. Kinto https://github.com/Kinto/formbuilder

  11. Asana https://asana.com/

  12. Appian https://appian.com/

  13. Sunbird https://www.sunbird.org/explore/explore-sunbird

  14. … go through the registry to identify solutions: https://digitalpublicgoods.net/registry/


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