Generic Registration Functionalities (Registration)

Generic Registration Functionalities (Registration)

The following table provides information on how the Functional Capabilities (by an applicant and a registrar) in specific use cases match the functional requirements as described.

User Interface- Provide data in an online form, and upload copies of credentials/claims/ documents.

Use Case

User Journey

Functional Capabilities

Technical requirements

Technical requirements of Online registration services (5.2)


Postpartum and Infant Care

1.Capture Basic Details

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2);

Control configurator (5.1.3)

5.2 Online registration services functional requirements:

DS-1; DS-2; DS-3; DS-4; DS-5; DS-6; DS-8


Postpartum and Infant Care

2.Optional- registration payment

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)



Postpartum and Infant Care

3.Optional: Validate with foundational ID system

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-2; DS-3; DS-4


Postpartum and Infant Care

4.Capture Registration Details

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2);

Control configurator (5.1.3)

DS-3; DS-6; DS-5


Postpartum and Infant Care

5.Optional where legally required: Get Citizen Confirmation

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-3; DS-6


Postpartum and Infant Care

6.Update Register.

The local register is updated for later use

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2);

Control configurator (5.1.3)

DS-3; DS-5


Postpartum and Infant Care

7.Capture Card Details

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2);

Control configurator (5.1.3)



Postpartum and Infant Care

8.Assign Card to Parent

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-3; DS-8; DS-5


Postpartum and Infant Care

9.Update Registry

The card number and mothers details are sent to the Government Registry for update, e.g. Department of Health or Home Affairs

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-3; DS-5; DS-8


Postpartum and Infant Care

10. Capture Basic Details

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2);

Control configurator (5.1.3)

DS-3; DS-5


Postpartum and Infant Care

11. Update Register

The local register is updated for later use and submit the information for the remote Government Department Registry

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-3; DS-5; DS-8


Postpartum and Infant Care

12. Request Birth Certificate

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-3; DS-5; DS-8; DS-12; DS-13; DS-14; DS-15


Postpartum and Infant Care

13. Give Reference Number.

Once the request is successfully committed the mother is given a reference number

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2); SF-7

DS-1; DS-14; DS-15


Postpartum and Infant Care

14. Search Patient Case

Generate a new folder for case records and link it to the child ID. If no case exists, create one and link the Card, otherwise identify the correct record and store the case UID

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2);

Control configurator (5.1.3);


DS-14; DS-15


Postpartum and Infant Care

15. Update Registry

The card number, mothers details, childs details and birth details, are sent to the Govt, e.g. the Department of Home Affairs

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2);


5.2 The online registration services functional requirements;

DS-3; DS-5; DS-8; DS-9; DS-12; DS-13; DS-14; DS-15


Postpartum and Infant Care

1.Healthcare (HC) worker logs into the postpartum payment registry system

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)



Postpartum and Infant Care

2.Mother presents program membership ID card to the HC worker, e.g. barcode

User interface and flow builder (6.1.2)



Postpartum and Infant Care

3.Capture details for the Mother

Capture data to verify the mother and prevent fraud per legal requirements, for processing later.

API spec

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-3; DS-4


Postpartum and Infant Care

4.1 Validate the mother has completed all steps

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2);

Control configurator (5.1.3)

DS-3; DS-4


Postpartum and Infant Care

4.2 Verify mother has no pending incentive voucher for this milestone

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2);

Control configurator (5.1.3)

DS-3; DS-4


Postpartum and Infant Care

4.3 Ask HC worker to certify that all steps have been completed

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2);

Control configurator (5.1.3)

DS-3; DS-4


Postpartum and Infant Care

5.Determine payment amounts for HC worker and mother

Rules engine (5.1.1)

DS-3; DS-4


Postpartum and Infant Care

6.For the mother, a cash payment is given via a paper payment voucher

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2);

Control configurator (5.1.3)

DS-3; DS-4


Postpartum and Infant Care

9.Record payment status and amounts in registry

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2);

Control configurator (5.1.3)

DS-3; DS-5; DS-8; DS-9; DS-12; DS-13; DS-14; DS-15

Case Management

Postpartum and Infant Care

1.HC worker logs into the MCTS registration system

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)


Case Management

Postpartum and Infant Care

2.Caretaker presents program membership ID card to the HC worker

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)


Case Management

Postpartum and Infant Care

3.HC workers have access to minimal required data for the purposes of completing this process

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-5; DS-3; DS-4

Case Management

Postpartum and Infant Care

4.The HC worker may read information from the child’s health records registry

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-3; DS-4

Case Management

Postpartum and Infant Care

5.The HC worker updates prescriptions for medication

API specification

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-2; DS-3; DS-4; DS-5

Case Management

Postpartum and Infant Care

6.The HC worker updates prescriptions for tests

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-2; DS-3; DS-4; DS-5, DS-8

Case Management

Postpartum and Infant Care

7.The HC worker updates prescriptions for nutrition

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-2; DS-3; DS-4; DS-5, DS-8

Case Management

Postpartum and Infant Care

8.The HC worker updates prescriptions for immunization

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-2; DS-3; DS-4; DS-5, DS-8

Case Management

Postpartum and Infant Care

9.The HC worker updates prescriptions for therapy

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-2; DS-3; DS-4; DS-5, DS-8


Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

1.The admin logs in

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)



Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

2.The admin searches the Registration

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

DS-2; DS-3; DS-5


Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

3.The admin may create a new registration record if none exists for for the potential beneficiary

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

Control configurator (5.1.3);

DS-2; DS-3; DS-4; DS-5, DS-8


Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

4.The admin verifies the potential beneficiary is correct based on details provided by the potential beneficiary

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)



Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

5.During enrolment, further data can be collected by the admin

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)



Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

6.Optional: Admin issues a family program membership ID card, e.g. barcode

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)



Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

7.Optional: Programme specific data is often entered into a separate Beneficiary Registry associated with a Beneficiary Operations Management System (BOMS)

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)


Full process

UC-E-USCT-001: Eligibility Determination and Benefit Package(s) Design - Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

User Interface;

Activate API

Rules engine (5.1.1);

User interface and flow builder (5.1.2)

Control configurator (5.1.3);

DS-2; DS-3; DS-4; DS-5, DS-8

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