Ideas Scratchpad
Ideas Scratchpad
Whilst the process and roles are in development, this page will act as a place for people to put ideas that we can add into the docs
@Jake Watson : consider having some “Tech Salon”-type open invite meetings for select BBs to gain wider engagement on specific topics. This wouldn’t replace the CoP/WG model, in my opinion, but would be a way for those interested in specific BB domains to participate and offer opinions without the commitment of attending regular meetings.
I like this idea. I wonder if we could set up a few Tech Salon (I called these type of meetings “Office Hours” for OpenLMIS) to reserve time for discussions about BB tasks. If there is nothing specific to discuss then the meetings don’t happen, but they are in the calendar so that time exists if needed.
@Eskandar, Hani : keep the 3 working groups on Id, Payment, and Consent as they are till end of year to ensure proper follow up with the contractors for the reference implementation.
@Margus Mägi : Use data from the Publication Process Review Survey to inform the processes here