October 27, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes


  • @Satyajit Suri

  • @Steve Conrad

  • @Nico Lueck

  • @nashcroft (Unlicensed)

  • @Taylor Downs

  • @Marko Kilpeläinen


  • @Jake Watson

  • @Mauree, Venkatesen

  • @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

  • @Bert Viikmäe (Deactivated)

  • @Martin Karner

  • @Mauree, Venkatesen




Previous Action Items

Action Item

Action Item

Backup the data in digital ocean - @Aleksander Reitsakas and @Taylor Downs to support in overseeing
All BB leads yet to, should write their test plan and send to @Taylor Downs and @PSRAMKUMAR (architecture team) to review and sign off. Pending with @Satyajit Suri
Account mapper keeps the ID with payment discussion will be planned with Jaume (IDV BB) to better understand the API - @Mauree, Venkatesen
Have focus discussion on role based access control for consent BB and feedback to TC - @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)
To find tool to carry out compliance evaluation TO BE ADDED TO BACKLOG - @Steve Conrad
Messaging API mapping - @Martin Karner @Satyajit Suri
Invite the W3 BB Leads to TC and PC after Onboarding next week @Esther Ogunjimi
Meeting with the architecture team and the consent BB team Sep 15, 2022 - @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)PENDING






Pending action items review

@Esther Ogunjimi



  • Estonian BB WG colleagues debrief

  • G2P connect update

@Jake Watson

10 minutes

  • Need to create sandboxes. There is possibility for others to take the code and build on when stacking their own product.

  • More resources will be joining and provided as needed.

  • Need to start working in sprint so as to start producing tangible output.

  • Building the spec - G2P does not have an API. Promod has agreed for GS to clone its environment if needed.

Vijay - there is opportunity to handshake with promod and collaborate.

Jira config & issue template

  • multiple projects

  • developing issue templates

  • working in sprints

@Steve Conrad

15 minutes

  • New structure will be used to track the cross cutting work.

  • BB specific work will be in the BB project. BB tasks will be in the project backlog.

  • Setting up infrastructure to test DPG

Satya - More BB are at similar stages; how do we know which BB are going through the API test and are ready for integration testing in Jira?

UCs - how do we track the UC effort.

Steve- Each BB will have open API spec tasks and during the sprint planning, those tasks can be stacked, and once it is done it will be closed

Dependencies will be created for all tasks.

PC is working on UCs and will revert when they have definition.

Need to have more dedicated developers for frontend and backend - these developers will be joining in couple of weeks and start working on test configuration and implementation.

Start backlog grooming next week and sprint planning.


Gofore team

20 minutes

  • Sandbox is in discovery phase and work can be tracked in Jira and Confluence.

  • Jake - Feel free to create ticket of task that might be missing in BB project but required. This should be continous feedback loop from sandbox and TC.

sandbox slack channel


BB Leads

30 minutes

Workflow BB

  • Met with Satya and Ramkumar to push forward API testing. Will continue BB with API spec

  • Any BB group working on BB spec, API and test, reach out to Taylor and Satya for support



  • Authenticate and attribute sharing for the purpose of prototype sharing - have appointment with Ingmar and MOSIP team

  • There is delay on the review of API because people were unavailable this week.

  • Developing doc to map out the requirement for ID mapping


Payment BB

  • Met with G2P team on how to customize their API for G2P. G2P UCs discussion is still ongoing. Will complete customization next week


Consent BB

  • Had additional resources to speed up API workstream tasks.

  • Requires two additional resources to support with API and testing backlog.


Messaging BB

  • Onboarding new resource and still requires tech resource to move work forward.

  • API testing discussion will continue with Satya


Update on API testing & integration

@Satyajit Suri

10 minutes

  • Getting the process right and identifying the requirements (why and how we are doing testing). Working on the templates

  • Mother and child UC - was developed, completed steps were mapped out and were demonstrated at the testing meeting last week. The test scripts will be in BB repo.

  • Individual API testing - have tech resources that will support individual BB. This will allow us test over 100 APIs by the end of this year.

Update on wave3 members & onboarding process


5 minutes

  • Few members have started joining wave1 &2.

  • Wave3 are being introduced to the templates and processes.

Country Playboard






Meeting recording


Action Items

Decide date for backlog grooming and sprint planning -
Follow up internally for promod discussion, Hani, Ramkumar, Jake, Vijay and Jaume