2023-09-26 Playbook

2023-09-26 Playbook


Sep 26, 2023





 Discussion topics

Agenda points to be discussed

Agenda point added by



Agenda points to be discussed

Agenda point added by



Review of BB listed in GovExchange



  • A more expansive list of BBs on the GovExchange. Ones we haven't even been started by GovStack

  • Please work on the narative, tom link them to the SDG Digital Investment Framework and list those BBs that are published in the start of the list.

  • Consent BB which is marked as published on GovExchange has a dead link to specs.

  • Other unpublished specs, how do we ensure they are inline with GovStack approach?





 Action items

Action Items

Responsable party


Action Items

Responsable party



Nov 14, 2022