Guide to Open up Sandbox (or DIY Minikube) for additional BB

Guide to Open up Sandbox (or DIY Minikube) for additional BB


  • BB Provider can provide an own small use case frontend to showcase functionalities

  • BB Provider know or learn how to setup an X-Road security server

  • BB Provider host instance of their BB and security server in their own environment


  • Add “mini use cases” to Gitbook showcasing BB functionalities (e.g. executing a workflow or sending a message


System Changes:

For the GovStack team:

  • Instruction on how to add the new security server from the DPG provider

For the BB provider:

  • Link to the data set which can be used

  • Instructions on how RPC Backend can be used

  • All available APIs

  • Template and guidance on how to showcase on gitbook @Nico Lueck

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