January 25, 2024 Technical Committee Meeting Note

January 25, 2024 Technical Committee Meeting Note


@David Higgins @Farai Mutero @Martha Mundas @PSRAMKUMAR @Trev Harmon @Mauree, Venkatesen @Kibuuka, Arnold @Wes Brown @Michael Schwartz @Ain Aaviksoo









Workflow BB deepdive

@Farai Mutero

15 minutes

Working on the feedback from the TC on providing examples for service API https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/WF/issues/WF-74

There is a disconnect between what will be a suitable example and what is in the Workflow specification as an identifier will be required to query a particular workflow process from an API.

Basic examples were used in the spec because it was not anticipated that a concrete examples will be required.

What example implementation should the workflow work be based on? Should it be real world examples base on one of the candidate application that the team looked at? Or the simplistic ones?

Ramkumar - Pick example workflows from the examples that we have at hand e.g. USCT Use Case.

Wes -We can continue to use any of the reference Use cases to help provide the scope but, there will more useful input to get from continuing to engage with the different providers. We need to ensure that what we have in the specification over time is representative and support the various types of solutions that exist.

Workflow is one of the more tightly defined building blocks with a fairly narrow scope in terms of the overall breadth of the API and it gets used in variety of settings. This makes the reference use cases or even country use cases not as important because the utilisation of the API will be fairly common because it's fairly narrow.

Happy to work with Farai to identify good Use Cases to include in terms of how it’s being evaluated.

Farai - How do we address the workflow test failing? As long as there are no adaptors from the workflow building block, the tests will continue to fail because the data mapping step has not been included yet.

Ramkumar - There is lack of an exact requirement between two endpoints as to what to adapt. We are still not sampling any adaptor for a specific case and cannot say what is the adaptation requires, and what the workflow building block can implement.

Enterprise architecture

@Aare Laponin

15 minutes

Single sign on for authentication


Authentication mechanism


20 minutes

This topic will be discussed in a dedicated meeting outside of the TC and the decisions will be confirmed at the TC meeting.

Triage Leads roles and responsibilities

@Wes Brown

10 minutes

The intent is to facilitate the BB WGs and make sure we are leveraging peoples' time effectively. We want to separate the domain expertise that's required for building block lead from the administrative and support tasks that are also being currently handled by the building block lead.

Going forward, there will be two leadership roles; first is the Triage Lead - which will be people who help handle the administrative and support activities for the BB groups, and second role is the Technical Lead - the technical portion of the BB expertise.

We think it will be helpful to still have one person who is designated as the lead from the technical perspective for the BB. The Triage Leads will be assigned to specific BBs. This will help us prioritise the time of volunteers who are giving their technical expertise.