2024 Q1 and Q2 Building Blocks Priorities

2024 Q1 and Q2 Building Blocks Priorities

Building Blocks


Experts for BB spec review & feedback

Building Blocks


Experts for BB spec review & feedback


Q1 - finishing an API on credentials then slows-down as IDBB resources are focused on Wallet BB. Possibly integrating more diversity of Usage and Enrollment APIs

Q2 (or Q3) - Hopefully start implementing Verifiable Credentials on different APIs based on Wallet BB specification


Digital Wallet BB

Q1 - Quickwin, draft first BB spec candidate based on existing material already availed in various sources, start describing the usage part (online mainly)

Q2 - Develop second iteration with offline use, and management APIs, possible support to a sandbox implementation of Q1 version



WG is closed


Payment BB

Q1 – Expect to complete the validation of the payments BB APIs implemented by MIFOS and also making some revisions to the specifications to remove some discrepancies and/or contradictory statements.

Q2 – Will start working on the items that were out of scope in the first implementation, ie G2B and G2G payments as well as including handling of multi-currency transactions and Government tax reconciliations.

Oscar Correia, James Dailey (but we need more)


No work planned for Q1 & Q2


Messaging BB

No work planned for Q1 & Q2. However, there is a model spec of an open source solution that we can take as an example in picking the further enhancements to further develop the spec https://spec.matrix.org/latest/


There is an open discussion with one of the existing solution/service providers that develop RapidPro, to start their compliance process with GovStack.