July 28, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes

July 28, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes

Jul 28, 2022 13:00 UTC


  •  @Jaume DUBOIS


  • @Aleksander Reitsakas

  • @Taylor Downs

  • @Ingmar Vali

  • @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)

  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

  • @Mauree, Venkatesen

  • @nashcroft (Unlicensed)

Meeting Note







 Prioritizing Payments use case demos - 10 min discussion

 @Jake Watson

 There are three widely desired use cases, at least from some donors, in this space:

  1. Pay teachers (on time)

  2. Pay CHW/CHVs

  3. Pay recipients of Social Protection

 Specifications needed for manifesting cross-BB screen flows and workflows - Ramkumar 10 min


 This is an architecture topic will need to be resolved for use-case demos beyond individual bb demos.

Mapping Backlog/Roadmap activities to Jira . Map resource needs in all Groups aligned to roadmap, identify common requirements - All 45 min


Decision: The testing roadmap will be consisting of following steps for each BB: -

1. Define specific API

2. Define API test cases in English

3. Develop stubs for API request generation and BB response emulation and test BB for compliance to API specs.

4. Integrate BB with IM and repeat step 3 with IM placed in-between the requestor and BB to check for interoperability.

5. Integrate with other BBs through IM and test BB to BB API compatibility between BBs

6. Stack BB-APIs that pass step 5 as qualified/demonstratable APIs

Repeat steps 1-6 keeps for each API in all BBs

7. Define use case workflow and screen flow and select services that map to those requirements for demo. (by product group)

8. develop workflow and screen flow as needed to cast the use case demo in govstack platform (with Stubs)

9. As and when real-life BBs becomes available, test them through steps 1-6 and integrate them into govstack platform


Demo platform - Review status, roadmap + infra + resource requirements - Taylor+Max 15 min.

@Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed), @Max Carlson , @Taylor Downs

How do we orchestrate the workflow around testing?

To get attention for our activities, we need to have an example that “works”

Can we have a small team to tackle “low hanging fruit” to create a testing plan?

@Taylor Downs volunteering to help other BBs with test plans

Decision: Product team will define use cases and explore with tech committee for BB/API mapping. Until then, Jake + Hani to discuss and take a call on prioritized use cases for demo implementation (step 9 above)

Update on tools integration - Rachel 5 min


work in progress focused on Github Jira integration

Open issues - 10 mins
If there are additional topics please add. Please come prepared with your inputs for a productive session.
In case you are not able to attend this meeting, please depute someone to represent your group.


Aleksander suggested that technical team to integrate and mock test BBs without having to wait for use cases to come from product group. Taylor agreed it would bring us to readiness to offer working BB APIs and examples to product team when they have real use cases.


Action Items

@Jake Watson to reach out to mojaloop to see if we can get someone to engage.
@Taylor Downs to form a small team to look at “low hanging fruit” to test individual building blocks - or at least how we will tackle it. To report back in two weeks on progress.
Each BB team to start step 1-2 mentioned above (define api, define test case for api) in the next week.



  1. @Jake Watson & @Eskandar, Hani to set priority of work on use-case demos until Product Committee functioning
  2. In the meantime, all work on test-cases and examples on individual building blocks will be well spent

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