Providing educational materials to a specific demographic group
Link to the original sprint or written use case, e.g.:
ID |
Name |
Description A brief, high-level description of what the use case accomplishes | After healthcare workers have identified and registered caretakers in demographic groups, they are sent promotional messages about services applicable to their demographic |
Trigger |
Preconditions |
Data inputs |
Actors |
Normal Course (what happens if the event is triggered and the preconditions have been met) | 1. CHW selects Post-Partum Care Promotion application 2. CHW selects educational materials, e.g. the need to drink water when pregnant 3. CHW Chooses an appropriate demographic ‘list of women below 45’ from a Population Registry 4. Materials are sent to each woman below 45 in the Demographic Group |
Alternative Course |
Data output |
Post-Conditions (the success criteria) |
Exceptions |
Related BBs |
Cross building block interaction diagram
Original user journey