2022-10-26 - Product Committee

2022-10-26 - Product Committee


Oct 26, 2022


  • @Wes Brown


Meeting Recording

Recording URL:

 Discussion topics









Review Action Items

@Wes Brown

5 min




5 min

Tasks: PRD-1: GovStack TerminologyDone

Wiki: https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GH/pages/49545237



Use Case Template

@Wes Brown

10 min

Reference Use Case Template

Example: Maternal & Newborn Health

Margus - May need to include the “why” for regulatory purposes

Ramkumar - The terminology we are using is not consistent. If we’re going to use “Use Case” it should be qualified

  • Margus - These terms are related to each other, having a diagram showing how they relate would be helpful

  • Steve - Need to define business processes in use cases as well a technical use cases (logical process flows). This single entity needs to bridge those two documents

Merging Confluence Spaces / Migrating Google Drive Documents

@Wes Brown

5 min

PRD-12: Merge Confluence SpacesDone

@Wes Brown Add task: Check on existing links to content in spaces

PRD-18: Migrate Google Drive DocumentsProposed

Ramkumar - Esther has already archived the Google Drive content to OneDrive

Ramkumar - Need select a specific date (Oct-30) for the cutover.

GovStack implementation playbook

@Yolanda Martínez (Unlicensed)

10 min

Network issues, will reschedule to next week

Use Cases for Sandbox


10 min

Looking for 2-3 use cases which:

  1. Has an owner

  2. Uses as much BB as possible

  3. Have interconnections

    1. Showcase the potentially broad impact the GovStack approach can have

    2. Involves payment aspects (good cross-cutting BB)

  4. Use a core registry

    1. birth, business, patient, etc

  5. Politcal/DC prioritiy sectors

    1. ie - Climate

Potential Use Cases:

  • Maternal and Newborn Health

    • Ramkumar - Good representative use case, includes most of the required elements

  • Unconditional Social Benefits Transfer (Ramkumar)

  • Market Linkage (Sarah)

  • Remote Learning (Sarah)

  • Ukraine Drivers License (Ramkumar)

  • Enterprise Registration for Customs (Ramkumar)

Moritz - This should be informed by country implementations and their use cases

How to interact between Governance and Product

@Moritz Fromageot

5 min

What kind of interactions are needed?

  • Some decisions may need to be approved (or at least discussed) with the GC

The interaction has happen organically, we just need to ensure that we are clear on what each committee is responsible for.

Sherman - Need to ensure that the scope of each committee is clear. This should (will?) be discussed in an upcoming call between the partners.

Moritz - Organic interaction doesn’t alway happen. Need to know exactly who the people are to discuss various topics and take them to the appropriate committee

  • Product/Process-related - Wes

  • Tech related - Ramkumar/Steve

  • Governance - Not sure, Jake and Hani?

GovStack Compliance Process

@Moritz Fromageot

10 min

@Wes Brown to reach out to Moritz

Use Case Process

@Wes Brown

10 min


 Action items

@Wes Brown Set up time between TC and PC on how we are tracking roadmap information - include @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)
@PSRAMKUMAR to send terminology document on high-priority terms (use case, use case journey, etc)
@Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) Train tech teams on where to document things once Google Drive goes away
@Steve Conrad to work with Ramkumar about process to turn off Google Drive


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