Jira SOP

Jira SOP


SOP Name:  GovStack Jira Guidance    


Author / Editor




Author / Editor




Esther Ogunjimi

Oct 25, 2022








GovStack Jira will be use to collaborate, have visibility of work, track work progress, and we are delivering value. 



  • To standardize the process GovStack issue/activities management. 

  • Create a common platform for transparency and accountability in managing GovStack activities. 

  • Identify and remove blocker. 

  • Create a Gantt view of the plan - Roadmap 



All GovStack tasks and activities will be on Jira. Product and Technical committees action item that relates to building blocks, use cases will be on Jira and assigned to the team member responsible for the task. 



The technical leads, product owner, team members and project managers can create and add issues onto Jira on behalf of their teams. 



Jira - is a tool to help team plan, track and manage work, used by the GovStack project. The GovStack instance of Jira can be found here

Issue – is an individual work Item. Issues on the board are called issue cards. Issues cards move across the board based on their status of work progress.  

Project – is a collection of issues. Projects can be organized by teams or large deliverables. 

Board – is a visual display of work progress. Boards often have 3-4 columns to show the status of issues. Boards are helpful as a quick visual to see upcoming issues or where issues stand across the team. 

Status – shows the current progress of an issue. Common statuses are To Do. In Progress, Done. It can be tailored. 

User Story - Multiple user stories comprise an epic 

Story point - are units of measure for expressing an estimate of the overall effort required to fully implement a product backlog item or any other piece of work. 

Epic - represents a large body of work, can be broken down into manageable chunks with user stories, issues and tasks - which may require several sprints to complete. 

Roadmaps - create a visual representation of all the epics a team is working on, so teams can plan large pieces of work in advance. 

Backlogs - a backlog contains outstanding issues for a team to work on. 

Backlog grooming/refinement - this is when the PO review items on the backlog with the rest of team to ensure the backlog contains the appropriate items. The items are prioritized and ready to be moved to the sprint backlog for delivery  

Time Tracking - allows teams to record the amount of time they spend working on issues. 





Person Responsible 


Identify task/action item to work on by the technical or product committee or from meeting outcome. 

Technical Lead/Product Owner/PM 


Define how large the task is. 

  • Large work will be an epic.  

  • Medium task will be a task and  

  • Small task will be a sub-task 

Or as defined by the team or the PO. 

Technical Lead/Product Owner/PM 


Create ticket in Jira – ensure the description is captured to give context. Guide on how to create ticket in Jira here




Analyze the ticket, if it is an epic, then create tasks or user story or a bug depending on the workflow defined.  

PO/PM/BB Leads 


Create subtask to further breakdown a task if required. 

PO/PM/BB Leads 


Assign ticket to the responsible person that will work on it issue and who will report on the progress if it is a different person. 

PO/PM/BB Leads 


Add the start and due date 

PO/PM/BB Leads 


Estimate the task on the ticket and add the story point. 

PO/PM/BB Leads 


Add priority to each ticket/issue. Add checklist if available, link to other ticket/issue that is a dependency or any related issues. 

PO/PM/BB Leads 


Complete the process by clicking on create. The ticket automatically goes to the product backlog 

PO/PM/BB Leads 


During backlog grooming / sprint planning 



Product Owner priorities the backlog with the Dev team. Estimate each task with the Dev team, prioritize and match with the resource that will work on it 

PO/Technical Lead 


Move high priority tickets up the backlog list 

PO/Technical Lead 


Select all ticket to the sprint backlog and start the sprint. 

PO/Technical Lead 


End sprint 

PO/Technical Lead 


Create the sprint report based on the sprint goal. 



Organize sprint retrospective 



The cycle is improved and continued from the step 1 to create a task/issue or move to step 10 for sprint planning. 



Ensure all meeting notes are documented and store on the team page on Confluence 




Creating issue ticket 

  • Ticket will be created for action item under the right category (e.g., epic, task) or link to a corresponding issue. 

  • Only the Technical Lead and PO can prioritize issue tickets in the product backlog and sprint backlog. 

  • Ensure the description is clearly detailed with as much information available. 

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