Jira process management

Jira process management

Jira will be used to keep everyone aware of the progress of a self-assessment, as follows:

  • There will be a new project, Compliance, with a custom set of stages for issues in that project.

  • Issues don’t store data about the actual compliance application, only it’s progress and links to the application from as stored in testing.govstack.global

  • When a new self-assessment from is created, even just the most basic information like who is making the self-assessment and for what software, the backend for that form creates an issue in the project, including a title detailing who is making the assessment and a link to the assessment. The Self-assessment Started status is set

    • It is likely that a govstack team member would like to contact the person submitting the form to offer help at this stage

    • The form stores the Jira issue number on testing.govstack.global so that it knows which issue to update on progress

    • Any discussions should be documented as comments on the issue

  • When a self-assessor wants to put their system onto the testing harness, they tap a button on the form that asks for help to that.

    • The form updates the issue status to Ready for testing

  • A govstack team member notices the status of an issue is at Ready for testing, contacts the self-assessor and begins collaboration work staging their system

  • When a self-assessor has fully completed the form and wishes to initiate a review, they tap a button on the form requesting a review

    • The form sets the issue status to Needs Review

  • When a govstack team member notices a review is needed, they make the review and note any needed feedback in the Jira issue as comments, inviting the self-assessor to the issue and working with them to resolve the comments

  • When the govstack team member and the self-assessor agree that all the comments have been met, they mark the issue as Successful

  • A govstack member works with the self-assessor to ensure that links to their software and organisation are correctly represented in our systems, detailing the successful self-assessment. The Jira issue is then marked Done.