


USE CASE: Online Construction Permit

STEP: Outreach Communication



(list of conditions that MUST be met in order to be able to successfully execute this process)

  • The procedures for processing online construction permits has been set up, and its objectives and eligibility criteria have been defined.

  • The Ministry of Urban planning or another leading agency/organization is responsible for organizing the internal information campaign.

  • Digital campaign communication channels (e.g., Ministry's and all the municipalities' websites and social media platforms) have been established and are available under Messaging BB.

  • The Ministry of Urban planning or another leading agency/organization has prepared educational materials for local staff authorities.

  • All necessary building blocks and workflows have been set up.


Note: Details on Data Inputs will most likely depend on Building Blocks that are not yet available. For now high level inputs are listed.

Scheduler Event

  • Name

  • Description

  • Category

  • Host Entity ID

  • From

  • To

  • Deadline

  • Subscriber Limit

  • Terms

  • Status

  • Venue

Scheduler Resource

  • Name

  • Category

  • Phone

  • Email

  • Alert URL

  • Alert Preference

Scheduler Entity

  • category

  • name

  • phone

  • email

  • website

Scheduler Message

  • Entity Identifier

  • Category

  • Message content

Workflow Process

  • Name

  • Type

  • Version

  • Description

  • Process Body

    • code

    • value


  • First Name 

  • Second Name 

  • DOB 

  • National ID Number 

  • Place of residence

  • Contact info:

    • Email 

    • Phone Number 

    • Address

Sender Information

  • Organization Name

  • Organization ID

  • Email

  • Sender Name

Receiver Information

  • Email

  • Receiver Name

Email Content

  • Title

  • Content




  • Leading Organization (Ministry of Urban Development, housing and planning)

  • Local staff authorities


  • Consent BB

  • Digital Registries BB

  • Identity BB

  • Information Mediator BB

  • Messaging BB

  • Scheduler BB

  • Workflow BB


Step 1: Setup content management through established channels to disseminate information

The Content Management BB has not yet been finished as for 21/07/2023. When it will be ready the Normal Course will be updated to include its functionalities.


The Leading Organization should be able to publish information on public sites to disseminate information about the upcoming program that will streamline the lengthy procedures. The Leading Organization should be able to update published information whenever the necessity occurs.


Step 2: Identify local staff authorities involved in processing construction permits


In order to disseminate information internally among the local officials, a process should be set up to (1) list all officials who should receive information and training on the Online Construction Permit process, (2) the assembled list should be associated with the outreach campaign event that is scheduled to take place, and (3) trigger the campaign event and send bulk messages to the officials from the assembled list.

Step 2.1 Prepare targeting workflow

Feature: Create new workflow Scenario: Create workflow that adds local staff authorities officials to Scheduler BB resources using Digital Registry BB data Given Governmental Worker can create workflows And Workflow is connected to the Digital Registry BB And Workflow is connected to the Scheduler BB And the set of employees who are supposed to receive the notification is known When Governmental Worker creates new workflow Then New workflow is created And local staff authorities officials who meet the targeting criteria can be identified

Relevant Digital Registries BB endpoints:

  • /data/{registryname}/{versionnumber}

    • Access the list of potential officials involved in the program

    • Query digital registry for target group

Relevant Workflow BB endpoints:

  • /processes (post)

    • Create new workflow

Relevant Scheduler BB endpoints:

  • /subscriber/new

    • Save designated officials in scheduler BB

  • /appointment/new

    • Bind designated officials to the event 

Step 2.2 Execute targeting workflow

Feature: Schedule notifications for target group Scenario: List local staff authorities officials for outreach Given that a scheduler event has been created And that a targeting workflow process exists When the Governmental Worker triggers the workflow process And the designated officials meet the criteria And the designated officials have signed a consent agreement to be notified Then the designated officials should be added as subscribers in the Scheduler BB And they should be associated with the previously created event

Relevant Scheduler BB endpoints:

  • /subscriber/new

    • Save designated officials in scheduler BB

  • /appointment/new

    • Bind designated officials to the event 

Relevant Digital Registries BB endpoints:

  • /data/{registryname}/{versionnumber}

    • Query digital registry for target group

Relevant Consent BB endpoints:

  • /service/agreement/{agreementId}/

    • Confirm that designated official has signed the agreement and can be notified about the program

Relevant Workflow BB endpoints:

  • /processes/{processId}/start

    • Trigger appointment process

Step 2.3 Notify target group

Feature: Send bulk notifications Scenario: Scheduled event is triggered and messages are sent to target group   Given Target Group was registered in the Scheduler BB And Scheduler can trigger bulk message in Messaging BB And Scheduler Alert had been scheduled When Alert is triggered   Then Target group receives notifications through Messaging BB And the Scheduler sets action as successful

Relevant Scheduler BB endpoints:

  • /alert_schedule/new

    • Used to setup trigger for notifying target group

Relevant Messaging BB endpoints:

  • /send/email/batch

    • Notify target group. At the moment that’s only available batch endpoint, should be extended when other notification methods are added.


Step 3: Setup outreach schedule for staff authorities

Note: For now we assume that content of the scheduled massage is hard-coded. At the moment definition of Content Management BB is not determined, and therefore we’re sending message directly to the scheduler BB. This will be changed in next iterations (example use of using Content Management BB was presented added in previous version of this document under Prepare outreach campaign content step).


The Leading Organization creates an informational campaign for local officials. This involves that (1) the message about the Online Construction Permit is prepared, including the time frame, content, and channels of communication, (2) all of the officials involved in processing construction permits are determined and added as recipients to the prepared message, and (3) the message was sent to all designated recipients.

Step 3.1: Create scheduler

Feature: Create scheduler event Scenario: Setup outreach event in the scheduler   Given timeline of outreach program was determined And Outreach channels were determined And Governmental worker can schedule events And Governmental worker has prepared content of the outreach   When Governamental worker create new scheduler bb event And Governmental worker attaches event message   Then new scheduler event is created And new scheduler message is created

Relevant Scheduler BB endpoints:

  • /event/new

    • Add new event

  • /message/new

    • Create content message event 

Note: This assumes that only one event and message will be created.

Step 3.2: Locate scheduler message recipients

Feature: Create a list of recipients Scenario: Check the target group targeting   Given program specifications have been established And timeline of introducing program was determined And a target group was added as subscribers to Scheduler BB   When designated official is in the appointed area of the program And designated official has a role appointed in the program And designated official has consented to be send messages And designated official is in the target group list Then add the target group as recipients of the scheduled message

Relevant Scheduler BB endpoints:

  • /subscriber/list_details

    • Verify criteria of target group match the required criteria

Step 3.3: Send scheduler message

Feature: Inform all recipients of the program Scenario: Send email to all recipients   Given program specifications have been established And timeline of introducing program was determined And the content of the introductory email was prepared And list of recipients is ready   When start of the program is at hand And Governmental worker creates new email in designated email provider And Governmental worker attaches email content in designated email provider And Governmental worker includes all recipients in designated email provider And designated email provider relays this message through Scheduler BB to Messaging BB Then introductory email is send

Relevant Messaging BB endpoints:

  • /send/email/batch

    • Send email to all

Relevant Scheduler BB endpoints:

  • /event/modifications

    • Changes details of specific event


Step 4: Setup a communication channel for educating staff authorities

Note: As we don’t have an established flow for training the local staff authorities, an educational email campaign could be established. The example of such case is depicted below.

Step 4.1: Send email containing update to the program

Feature: Create email campaign Scenario: Send emails to all recipients   Given the content of emails is prepared And list of recipients is prepared And time of the start of campaign is scheduled   When Governamental worker creates new email in designated email provider And Governmental worker attaches email content And Governmental worker includes all recipients And designated email provider relays this message through Scheduler BB to Messaging BB   Then new email is send

Relevant Messaging BB endpoints:

  • /send/email/batch

    • Send email to all

Relevant Scheduler BB endpoints:

  • /event/modifications

    • Changes details of specific event

Step 4.2: Send periodic emails about the program

Feature: Create newsletter Scenario: Send periodic emails to all recipients   Given the content of emails is prepared And list of recipients is prepared And time cycles of the newsletter are planned And periodic events are set up in Scheduler BB   When Governamental worker creates new emails in designated email provider And Governmental worker attaches emails content And Governmental worker includes all recipients And designated email provider relays this message through Scheduler BB to Messaging BB   Then new email is send on a set date

Relevant Scheduler BB endpoints:

  • /event/new

    • Add new event

  • /event/modifications

    • Changes details of specific event

Relevant Messaging BB endpoints:

  • /send/email/batch

    • Send email to all


In Miro board the Outreach Communication step is composed of three workflows:

  1. Client Communication (covered)

  2. Client Education (no BBs specified at the moment, Messaging BB was used)

  3. Content management (partially included in the existing step, no BB)


  1. The Leading Organization and local staff authorities already have in use a platform designated for communication and a list of all local officials involved in processing construction permits and that have consented to receive information from their employer. If such platform is already in use then the internal outreach communication campaign should be handled by such platform.


Current steps don't cover handling Outreach Campaign monitoring or assessing the effectiveness of the outreach campaign. Should we include these as indispensable parts of the use case step, or include outreach monitoring and assessment in a separate step (8. Ongoing M&E)?


  1. Local authorities were informed and trained in the handling of USCT program and how to popularize it and help its potential participators.

  2. The system structure was established so the USCT program can be introduced in all municipalities.

  3. Relevant content has been created and managed for use in the information campaign.


  1. Target audience doesn’t accept messages used to spread awareness

  2. Issues with chosen communication channels have arisen.

  3. Consent policy to use data to inform about social program has not been created


  • Consent BB

  • Digital Registries BB

  • Identity BB

  • Information Mediator BB

  • Messaging BB

  • Scheduler BB

  • Workflow BB




participant A as Government Worker

participant B as Digital Registry BB

participant C as Workflow BB

participant D as Scheduler BB

participant E as Consent BB

participant F as Messaging BB

Note over A: Step 1: Setup content management (Not yet completed)

A->>E: Create new campaign

Note over A: Step 2: Identify potential participators

A->>C: Step 2.1: Request to create a workflow for targeting potential participators

Note over C: Workflow BB creates and stores the new workflow

C->>B: Workflow BB requests a list of potential participators from Digital Registry BB

Note over B: Digital Registry BB provides the list of potential participators

A->>C: Step 2.2: Request to execute the targeting workflow

Note over C: Workflow BB triggers the targeting workflow

C->>B: Workflow BB requests the updated list of target group from Digital Registry BB

C->>D: Workflow BB saves the identified participators as subscribers in Scheduler BB

C->>D: Workflow BB binds the identified participators to the event

C->>E: Workflow BB checks if the participators have signed the agreement

Note over A: Step 2.3: Notify target group

A->>D: Request to trigger the scheduled alert

D->>F: Scheduler BB triggers the sending of messages to target group

Note over F: Messages are sent out to the target group

Note over A: Step 3: Setup outreach schedule for potential participators

A->>D: Step 3.1: Create a new scheduler event for the outreach program

Note over D: Scheduler BB sets up the new outreach event

D->>B: Step 3.2: Verify if the target group meets the required criteria

Note over D: Scheduler BB adds those who meet the criteria as recipients

A->>D: Step 3.3: Request to send introductory email for a scheduled event

D->>F: Request is relayed to Messaging BB

Note over F: Emails are sent to all recipients

Note over A: Step 4: Setup a communication channel for educating staff authorities

Note over A: Step 4.1: Message recipients about an update

A->>F: Request to send update email for a scheduled event

D->>F: Request is relayed to Messaging BB

Note over F: Emails are sent to all recipients

Note over A: Step 4.2: Set a newsletter

A->>D: Schedule periodic emails to all recipients

A->>F: Request to send emails for a scheduled event

D->>F: Request is relayed to Messaging BB

Note over F: Emails are sent to all recipients



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