• Work in progress
  • Registries

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    GovStack resources

    GovStack requirements for BB


    GovStack requirements for digital registries BB


    GovStack GitHub Registries


    Service APIS

    Registries with necessary data fields to the registry database will be created by an analyst (as required in ).


    Initial plan for involving actual BB candidates:

    • Citizen/Beneficiary data UNCTAD - data for verification will be added to Citizen registry

    • IFMS Integrated Financial Management Information System UNCTAD - database acting as a bank

    Normal course of registries creation in MVP

    Normal course is a description on what happens if the event is triggered and pre-conditions are met.

    MVP course is registry creation

    MVP course is registry creation

    1. User creates new register/database (API or Web user interface) with all necessary fields (CR, IFMS)

    2. User creates and configures schema of the register (API or Web user interface);


    • Sandbox environment is ready to onboard BB

    • UNCTAD solution is installed to the sandbox and is ready to be used by Administrator/Analyst who is building a new registry.

    Following data fields must be created to registries to run the MVP flow:

    Registry DB


    Registry DB


    CR - Citizen Registry

    • UID - system ID generated by MOSIP

    • ID (personal ID)

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Birth Date

    • Gender

    • Region

    • District

    • Municipality

    • Village

    IFMS - Integrated Financial Management Information System

    • Personal ID (Citizen)

    • Bank Account number

    • Debit amount

    • Credit amount

    • Currency


    Registry BB provides data for the MVP process and does not provide separate functionality for the MVP. There will be two data requests in MVP flow, that trigger the data provision.

    • CR data request from x-road to SRIS - registry will provide citizens personal data to SRIS

    • IFMS data via x-road by BOMS (OpenIMIS) - check if BOMS provided citizen banc account data has match in IFMS

    Data input and output

    NB! All additional backround data that is required for minimum data exchange between BB (RequestID, ResponseID, SourceBBID,….etc.) should be included to the input and output (marked as ……)

    Data input CR

    Data output CR

    API specification

    Data input CR

    Data output CR

    API specification

    • Personal ID

    • …….

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Birth Date

    • Gender

    • Region

    • District

    • Municipality

    • Village

    • …….


    Data input IFMS

    Data output IFMS

    API specification

    • Personal ID

    • ……….

    In MVP no output needed only data check towards IFMS is done by Payment BB
