2025-03-03 Payments Building Block Working Group Meeting
Mar 3, 2025
@Kibuuka, Arnold
@Mauree, Venkatesen
@Oscar Correia
@David Higgins
Review and discuss the integration of the multicurrency support documentation into the GitBook.
Address comments and questions on the specifications
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Multicurrency Support Documentation on Gitbook | @Kibuuka, Arnold |
MasterCard Integration Testing | @PSRAMKUMAR | @PSRAMKUMAR inquired about the status of testing the MasterCard integration and whether there were any updates on Nico's offer to take it up for testing the APIs @dirk.muehlenweg @Christoph.Auer @Mauree, Venkatesen responded that a meeting with MasterCard is planned for this week. |
Action items
- /decision to schedule a follow-up meeting for March 24th at 3:00 PM to discuss the integration of the multicurrency support documentation and address any remaining comments on the specifications.