2024-09-16 Payments BB Meeting notes

2024-09-16 Payments BB Meeting notes


Sep 16, 2024


  • @Kibuuka, Arnold

  • @Mauree, Venkatesen

  • @David Higgins

  • @Oscar Correia

  • @dirk.muehlenweg

  • @James Dailey

  • @Florian.Greunz


  • Discuss multi-currency implementation

  • Review MasterCard use case for cross-border payment

 Discussion topics







Multi-Currency Implementation

@Oscar Correia

  • A subgroup was formed to discuss the implementation of multi-currency payments.

  • The subgroup, consisting of @Oscar Correia and @David Higgins , met last week to discuss two options:

    • Option 1: Separate currency mechanisms for each currency.

    • Option 2: One base currency with conversions for other currencies.

  • The subgroup agreed to focus on Option 1 for the current specification due to its simplicity and clarity, especially considering that settlement is not handled within the payments building block.

  • Oscar will work on a specification document covering both scenarios (separate currencies and single base currency).

  • David will update the specification document focusing on transactions happening in a single currency.

  • The subgroup will meet again on Friday to further discuss the specification.

  • @James Dailey raised a concern about aligning the solution with the requirements of government treasury operations and suggested getting feedback from knowledgeable people in this area before proceeding with development.

  • It was agreed that Oscar would package the information into a document to be shared with relevant parties (World Bank, @Elie Sawaya , @PSRAMKUMAR , and government representatives) for feedback.

MasterCard Use Case for Cross-Border Payments

Florian has been working on documenting the MasterCard use case for cross-border payments (G2B), and will provide the full documentation by the next meeting.

Florian also shared additional information on the implications of using the MasterCard platform via email

@Florian.Greunz inquired about the internal assessment of the MasterCard solution. @Mauree, Venkatesen clarified that this would not be discussed in the payments working group but would be addressed in a separate meeting with Govstack people before the end of September

 Action items

@Oscar Correia Prepare a document summarizing the multi-currency payment proposal by the end of the week.
@Oscar Correia Coordinate with @David Higgins and @Kibuuka, Arnold to schedule the subgroup meeting on Friday
@Florian.Greunz Complete the documentation for the MasterCard cross-border payments use case by the next meeting.
@Mauree, Venkatesen to contact Florian during the week regarding the MasterCard solution and Share the multi-currency payment document with relevant parties for feedback


Next meeting planned for October 31, 2024, at 4:00 PM Geneva time

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