Weekly notes IDBB w33
Aug 9, 2022
@Ramesh Narayanan
@Ingmar Vali
Meeting Note
Agenda | Presenter | Discussion |
IDBB demo, where to host ? | Jaume | Option 1] MOSIP could propose to host the instance, Ramesh to check and come back next week on what’s possible. [w31/Ramesh: possible to deliver a MOSIP instance within August (2-3 weeks from now) and with Alpha version for OIDC and Biometrics early September (+4 weeks) + 4 weeks for a final version] [Priorities: Authentication, Attributes sharing] Option 2] Extend the existing demo environment to host required MOSIP platform, need to define requirements, could be done by the bidders on IDBB. As this is resource to be addressed in the resources review meeting (this Thursday ? TBC) |
OIDC detailed objectives, OIDC falk on-boarding | Jaume | Clarification and alignment where made today
Action Items
- MOSIP will provide a demo instance (see 3 steps delivery plan in notes)
- [w32] IDBB will have its own UI. API and UI level switching are required but credential data security and privacy must be ensured > Meeting will happen w32 with Registration buildblock to cover that point.