Weekly notes IDBB w14

Weekly notes IDBB w14

Mar 28, 2023


  • @Vishwanath V


  • Jane (Technoforte)

  • Madhu (Technoforte)

Meeting Note







GitBook API Spec / details spec


Presented change done in his CR, will go on tomorrow with the flow.

Review end of day on 29 and merge of Vishwa CR

IDBB GitBook full update

Jaume/ Ramkumar

Jaume and Ramkumar will update the Specification with latest updates and do rework to align with doc. standards updates in GovStack.

IDDB next step : Enrolment


Once doc will be updated, next topic will be enrollment server API.

Jaume will notify Soldevo to read the doc. update for implementing the flows testing.

Questions clarifications to Technoforte


Second round of clarification answered to Technoforte on credential management.


Action Items

[Cleaning closed actions items]

@Jaume DUBOIS to trigger Verifiable Digital Credential cross building block work to enable IN/OUT use of VC > start by describing the goals


  1. MOSIP will provide a demo instance (see 3 steps delivery plan in notes)
  2. [w32] IDBB will have its own UI. API and UI level switching are required but credential data security and privacy must be ensured > Meeting will happen w32 with Registration buildblock to cover that point.
  3. [w38] Torsten Lodderstedt (from OpenID Foundation) will join IDBB workgroup to support Authentication/KYC API definition
  4. [w39] GovStack demo should adapt to showcase IDBB block features capacities (added value)
  5. [w43] IDBB will take be involved in any Individual Centric scenario and could make some design proposals



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