Details of Spec related to X-Road

Details of Spec related to X-Road

14 Annexes and Appendices

14.1 Detailed Technical Flows

The detailed flows section is a description of how various clients (members, applications, services) are registered and managed on the information mediator.

14.1.1 Registering a Member

A “member” of the <mark style="background-color:purple;">information mediator</mark> (e.g. “<mark style="background-color:blue;">Ministry of Agriculture</mark>”) is an organization (maybe with their own network) that runs a number of applications (e.g., “<mark style="background-color:green;">Market Linkage</mark>”, “Rural Agricultural Advisory Services”) that have their own services (e.g., “/api/refer :: Create Education Referral Webservice”, “<mark style="background-color:red;">/api/inventory-service :: Update Market Inventory</mark>”).

14.1.2 Security Server Client States <a href="#docs-internal-guid-9b3ae46c-7fff-b8c0-13dc-b063ccee2b16" id="docs-internal-guid-9b3ae46c-7fff-b8c0-13dc-b063ccee2b16"></a>

The security server client registration passes the following states:


14.1.3 Adding a Security Server Client

Required Interface: Security Server; Required Role for Access rights: Registration Officer

Follow these steps.

  1. There is a formal business/legal process that is a precondition for adding a new “client” (Security Server)

    1. It is never one person simply adding a new app or service by their own will. A traceable formal request from an authorized authority of the entity to register this application/service into IM will be there.

    2. This request will need approval from the IM governance authorized person before it gets into the system. The request and approval documents may be by email or hard copy. In either case a copy of those documents must be mandatory attachments to this registration/registration process of members, apps, services.

    3. Once the formal approval is acquired and properly documented, the technical steps (carried out by an authorized system administrator) are outlined below.

  2. In the CLIENTS view, click ADD CLIENT.

  3. In the wizard that opens

    1. Client details page: Select an existing client from the Global list by pressing SELECT CLIENT or specify the details of the Client to be added manually and click NEXT

    2. Token page: Select the token where you want to add the SIGN key for the new Client. Click NEXT

    3. Sign key page: Define a label (optional) for the newly created SIGN key and click NEXT

    4. CSR details page: Select the Certification Authority (CA) that will issue the certificate in Certification Service field and format of the certificate signing request according to the CA's requirements in the CSR Format field. Click NEXT.

    5. Generate CSR page: Define Organization Name (O) and click NEXT

    6. Finish page: click SUBMIT and the new client will be added to the Clients list and the new key and CSR will appear in the Keys and Certificates view.

The new client is added to the list of security server clients in the "Saved" state.

14.1.4 Registering an Application

(Adding a Security Server Member Application)

Interface: Security Server; Access rights: Registration Officer

Follow these steps.

  1. In the CLIENTS view in the client list, locate the Service Access gateway member you want to add an application to and click Add Subsystem at the end of the row.

  2. In the wizard that opens\
    2.1. Select an existing application from the Global list by pressing SELECT SUBSYSTEM or specify the Subsystem Code manually\
    2.2. If you wish to register the new application immediately, check the Register subsystem checkbox and then click ADD SUBSYSTEM.\
    (2.3.) If you checked the Register subsystem checkbox, a popup will appear asking whether you wish to register the application immediately. In the popup, click YES.

The new application is added to the list of security server clients in the "Saved" state.

14.1.5 Registering a Service <a href="#docs-internal-guid-00dc30d3-7fff-39c9-ff49-9791f745e394" id="docs-internal-guid-00dc30d3-7fff-39c9-ff49-9791f745e394"></a>

Once a member entity and app is registered by IM admin, the admin of that entity can register different services provided by the entity. Otherwise the IM administrator will be inundated by changes across so many services and applications that may use informed

Interface: Security Server; Access rights: Service Administrator

After a new REST service is added, the security server displays text "REST" and url for that service.

To add a REST service, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to the CLIENTS tab, click the name of the client for which you wish to add REST service to and click the SERVICES tab.

  2. Click ADD REST. Select whether the URL type is "REST API Base Path" or "OpenAPI 3 Description". Enter the url and service code in the window that opens and click ADD.

  3. Once the window is closed, the url and the service code are added to the service list. If the added URL type was OpenAPI 3 description, the service description is parsed and endpoints are added under the service. By default, the REST service is added in disabled state.

To see the service details under the REST service

  • click the caret on the REST service description row to expand the service details.

Example of service description is in Annex A.

14.1.6 Sending a Message from A to B

(through Service Access gateway) REST Interface

HTTP version 1.1 is used by the protocol as described in \[RFC2616]. The consumer member/application is specified using HTTP headers. The service to be called is encoded as part of the HTTP/HTTPS request URL. Here is the generic form of the REST service call.

Request format

{http-request-method} /{protocol-version}/{serviceId}\[/path]\[?query-parameters]

HTTP request headers

X-GovStack-Client: {client}

  • {http-request-method} can be one of the request methods defined in \[RFC7231]. For example GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.s

  • {protocol-version}: specifies the major version of the Service Access gateway Message Protocol for REST. For the initial version r1 MUST be used.

  • {client}: specifies the member/application that is used as a service client - an entity that initiates the service call. The identifier consists of the following parts: \[GovStack instance]/\[member class]/\[member code]/\[application code]. Including the application code is OPTIONAL.

  • {serviceId} identifies the service that is registered under {provider-application} and invoked by the request. {serviceId} contains the following parts:

    • \[GovStack instance]/\[member class]/\[member code]/\[application code]/\[service code]. Including the application code is OPTIONAL.

    • The {serviceId} is mapped to an actual service URL by the Security Server (see the example below).

  • \[path] contains the relative path to the service to be called

  • \[query-parameters] contains the query parameters to be sent to the service

Here is a practical example of an Service Access gateway REST call.

Request example


HTTP request headers


Breakdown of the request URI:

  • {http-request-method}: GET

  • {protocol-version}: /r1



  • \[path]: /v1/bar/zyggy

  • \[query-parameters]: ?quu=1

Assuming that the serviceId maps to the URL https://barservice.example.org/, the provider will see the request GET https://barservice.example.org/v1/bar/zyggy?quu=1. The reason for naming the service independently of the path is that the same provider could have a fooservice as well (https://fooservice.example.org/), in which case it would be difficult to tell the services apart if the path was the service Id (both services could have paths like "/v1/...") unless the fooservice was attached to a separate application.

On the Security Server side the incoming request URIs MUST be validated. Input strings from the user can't be trusted. Lengths of the strings need to be checked and maximum length or the request URI needs to be limited. Although the URI standard does not specify a maximum size of the URL, most clients enforce an arbitrary limit of 2000 characters. The Security Server implementation MAY do this as well. Sending data that is difficult to express in a hierarchical manner, and especially data that is larger than this 2000 character limit, should be transmitted in the body of the request. Use of HTTP Headers

There is only one mandatory HTTP header in the protocol that needs to be set by the client. Otherwise the use of headers in Service Access gateway REST service calls is OPTIONAL. The mandatory header and the most common optional header types and their operation are described next.

Note. HTTP headers are not case-sensitive. X-GovStack-Client and x-govstack-client are both valid header names.

Mandatory X-GovStack headers in the request

X-GovStack-Client: Specifies the member/application that is used as a service client - an entity that initiates the service call. The identifier consists of the following parts: \[GovStack instance]/\[member class]/\[member code]/\[application code]. Including the application code is OPTIONAL. The identifier parts MUST be represented as UTF-8 and encoded using percent encoding.


Service Access gateway specific headers returned in the response

The response contains some Service Access gateway specific headers that are set by the provider Security Server. The provider service SHOULD NOT set these headers since in that case they will be overwritten.

  • X-GovStack-Client: Specifies the member/application that is used as a service client

  • X-GovStack-Service: Specifies the serviceId that is invoked by the service client

  • X-GovStack-Id: Unique identifier for this message

  • X-GovStack-Request-Hash: For responses, this field contains sha-512 encoded hash of the request message

  • X-GovStack-Error: This header is provided in case there was an error processing the request and it occurred somewhere in Service Access gateway (on the consumer or provider Security Server)

X-GovStack-Request-Id: Unique identifier for the request



X-GovStack-Id: fa2e18a5-c2cb-4d09-b994-f57727f7c3fb

X-GovStack-Request-Hash: 4c519cf0-0e5e-4ccf-b72b-8ed6fe289e6e

X-GovStack-Request-Id: f92591a3-6bf0-49b1-987b-0dd78c034cc3

Request hash header

  • X-GovStack-Request-Hash: For responses, this field SHALL contain the base-64 encoded SHA512(SHA512(headers)+SHA512(body)). If there is no body, then only the headers are included in the calculation i.e. the field contains the base-64 encoded SHA512(headers). This field is automatically filled in by the service provider's Security Server. The field is used to create a strong connection between a request and a response. Thus, it is possible to prove, for example, that a certain registry record is returned in response to a certain query.

  • The request hash header MUST be automatically created by the service provider's Security Server and it MUST be verified by the service client's Security Server

  • The request message SHOULD NOT contain the request hash header.

The response message returned by a service provider SHOULD NOT contain the request hash header. If the response message contains the request hash header, the service provider's Security Server MUST ignore the field and replace it with the created field.\
X-GovStack-Request-Hash: 14sEri8SmLNy/DJyTob0ZddAskmdRy5ZUyhbr33iLkaA+gLpWcivUH16fzbuIs7hhs2AnA4lJDloyIihXMlVQA==

Content-Type header

  • With REST messages that include the request body it is RECOMMENDED that the content's media type is indicated with this header. Additionally it is RECOMMENDED to use the charset parameter to indicate the character encoding used in the REST message.

  • The REST messages originating from the Security Server (e.g. error messages) MUST include the header and indicate the content's type and character encoding with it.

  • If Content-Type header is included in the request message by the consumer information system, it MUST be transported unmodified through Service Access gateway to the provider information system

If Content-Type header is included in the response message by the provider information system, it MUST be transported unmodified through Service Access gateway to the consumer information system\
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=something

In case the service consumer does not provide the Content-Type header (or some of its components), the request message is anyhow passed to the provider service which can decide what to do with it.

Accept header

  • It is RECOMMENDED that the service consumer advertises the content types it is able to understand by including the Accept header in the request message.

If Accept header is included in the request message, it MUST be transported unmodified through Service Access gateway to the service provider.\
Accept: application/xml

In case the service consumer does not provide the Accept header, the Security Server MUST use the default content-type application/json.

Security Server and X-GovStack extension headers

  • X-GovStack-Security-Server: To send the request to a specific Security Server this header needs to be included. It contains the following parts

    • \[GovStack instance]/\[member class]/\[member code]/\[server code]

Other Service Access gateway extension headers are not defined in this document. Rather they are just contracts between information systems and Service Access gateway handles them like any user defined header.\

Optional X-GovStack headers

  • X-GovStack-Id: Unique identifier for this message. It is RECOMMENDED to use universally unique identifiers \[UUID]. If X-GovStack-Id is not provided, it SHALL be generated by the consumer Security Server. The provider Security Server SHALL include the X-GovStack-Id header in the response message.

  • X-GovStack-UserId: User whose action initiated the request. The user ID should be prefixed with two-letter ISO country code (e.g., EE12345678901).

  • X-GovStack-Issue: Identifies received application, issue or document that was the cause of the service request. This field may be used by the client information system to connect service requests (and responses) to working procedures.

X-GovStack-Id: fa2e18a5-c2cb-4d09-b994-f57727f7c3fb

X-GovStack-UserId: EE12345678901

X-GovStack-Issue: MT324223MSD

X-GovStack error header

  • X-GovStack-Error: This header is provided in case there was an error processing the request and it occurred somewhere in Service Access gateway (on the consumer or provider Security Server). With it the client can easily distinguish between the errors occurring on provider services and errors on Security Servers. Note that the header does not contain detailed error information but is more like a flag indicator to the interested parties. The header contains only the error type and the more detailed information such as the HTTP response code, error message body etc. need to be read from the response body.\

User defined headers

User-defined HTTP headers (i.e. the headers not mentioned in \[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_HTTP\_header\_fields] or this document) MUST be passed to the recipient unmodified by Security Server.\
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.17

X-Pingback: https://example.com/xmlrpc.php

Cache headers

Service Access gateway does not cache messages.

Cache headers MUST be passed as-is and the consumer/provider MAY take advantage of this information.\
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate

Pragma: no-cache

Cross-origin resource sharing

  • Security Server is not designed to be a direct proxy for a web front-end. It does not do anything specific to enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).

Filtered headers

Some HTTP headers MUST be rewritten by the Security Server. The original value, if any, will not be passed through. The Security Server will either provide a new value or not send the header at all.

  • Hop-by-hop headers

    • Connection, Keep-Alive, Proxy-Authenticate, Proxy-Authorization, TE, Trailer, Transfer-Encoding, Upgrade

  • Headers that can leak the name or address of the origin host

    • Host

    • User-Agent

    • Server

Specially handled headers

Some HTTP headers are handled by the Security Server and the user should not expect that they are passed through Service Access gateway unmodified.

  • Expect

    • Expectation 100 Continue MAY be handled locally at the consumer Security Server. Support for other expectations is OPTIONAL.

    • (100 Continue is the only expectation defined by \[RFC7231])

  • Content-Length

    • The Security Server MAY change the transfer encoding, thus removing or adding a content-length header as necessary. Examples General

The pet store service used in the following examples has an \[OPENAPI3] service description file available in Annex A. The most important aspects of the service are described in the text but for more details please refer to the aforementioned service description file.

The examples assume that the serviceId is mapped to https://petstore.niis.org/.

GET Request and Response












Finds pet by ID

petId - ID of pet to return

Service called directly

curl -X GET "https://petstore.niis.org/v2/pets/1124" -H "accept: application/json"

Service called through Service Access gateway

curl -X GET "https://{securityserver}/r1/{serviceId}/v2/pets/1124" -H "accept: application/json" -H "X-GovStack-Client: {client}"

Service response

{ "id": 1124, "name": "Siddu", "photoUrls": [], "tags": [], "status": "Offline" }

Service response code


Service response headers

Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8

Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019 12:36:39 GMT

X-GovStack-id: 29f4d011-ef17-4f2f-9bb1-0452ce17d3f5

X-GovStack-client: DEV/COM/222/TESTCLIENT

X-GovStack-service: DEV/COM/222/TESTSERVICE/petstore

X-GovStack-request-id: f92591a3-6bf0-49b1-987b-0dd78c034cc3

X-GovStack-request-hash: Xvx9V2U5c5RhDUiXpVLtW7L8vTd5cM2IOBU2n9efEk7/m3ECKyGAp7yTpJpTWpo6HcmwSaGO+cinxMVKjxJTOQ==

Content-Length: 1148\\

PUT Request and Response












Update an existing pet

body - Pet object that will be updated in the store

Service called directly

curl -X PUT "https://petstore.niis.org/v2/pets/5657082955040009" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "id": 0, "category": { "id": 0, "name": "string" }, "name": "doggie", "photoUrls": \[ "string" ], "tags": \[ { "id": 0, "name": "string" } ], "status": "available"}'

Service called through Service Access gateway

curl -X PUT "https://{securityserver}/r1/{serviceId}/v2/pets/5657082955040009" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-GovStack-Client: {client}" -d '{ "id": 0, "category": { "id": 0, "name": "string" }, "name": "doggie", "photoUrls": \[ "string" ], "tags": \[ { "id": 0, "name": "string" } ], "status": "available"}'

Service response


"id": 5657082955040009,

"category": {

"id": 0,

"name": "string"


"name": "doggie",

"photoUrls": \[



"tags": \[


"id": 0,

"name": "string"



"status": "available"


Service response code


Service response headers

Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019 12:43:33 GMT

X-GovStack-id: acdb2c7a-c705-41c2-b595-4cd62e78316e

X-GovStack-client: DEV/COM/222/TESTCLIENT

X-GovStack-service: DEV/COM/222/TESTSERVICE/petstore

X-GovStack-request-id: f92591a3-6bf0-49b1-987b-0dd78c034cc3

X-GovStack-request-hash: MOEfTqBjdqYiX3db9hxJ6JvHvCpYqfA6t0Uhdv6g2I29fMY8ld4CbN8tslj6mUQPXoRaUdPm7NdZeAYTg6zi+A==

Content-Length: 0

POST Request and Response












Add a new pet to the store

body - Pet object that needs to be added to the store

Service called directly

curl -X POST "https://petstore.niis.org/v2/pets" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "id": 0, "category": { "id": 0, "name": "string" }, "name": "doggie", "photoUrls": \[ "string" ], "tags": \[ { "id": 0, "name": "string" } ], "status": "available"}'

Service called through Service Access gateway

curl -X POST "https://{securityserver}/r1/{serviceId}/v2/pets" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-GovStack-Client: {client}" -d '{ "id": 0, "category": { "id": 0, "name": "string" }, "name": "doggie", "photoUrls": \[ "string" ], "tags": \[ { "id": 0, "name": "string" } ], "status": "available"}'

Service response


"id": 5657082955040122,

"category": {

"id": 0,

"name": "string"


"name": "doggie",

"photoUrls": \[



"tags": \[


"id": 0,

"name": "string"



"status": "available"


Service response code


Service response headers

Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019 12:49:38 GMT

X-GovStack-id: dcaaa3a2-a158-41e1-8775-309848052358

X-GovStack-client: DEV/COM/222/TESTCLIENT

X-GovStack-service: DEV/COM/222/TESTSERVICE/petstore

X-GovStack-request-id: f92591a3-6bf0-49b1-987b-0dd78c034cc3

X-GovStack-request-hash: VCNZdwTxl7m3XC6Mpfw1H6qJUtBcm3Y6tfCvg5b3W/fb2RRXsLF9wftR3u6ElclE+RFaiAN/OkSz02fAYbNKaw==

Content-Length: 0\\

DELETE Request and Response












Deletes a pet

petId - Pet id to delete

Service called directly

curl -X DELETE "https://petstore.niis.org/v2/pets/1124" -H "accept: application/json"

Service called through Service Access gateway

curl -X DELETE "https://{securityserver}/r1/{serviceId}/v2/pets/1124" -H "accept: application/json" -H "X-GovStack-Client: {client}"

Service response

Service response code



Service response headers

Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019 12:49:38 GMT

X-GovStack-id: 6209d61b-6ab5-4443-a09a-b8d2a7c491b2

X-GovStack-client: DEV/COM/222/TESTCLIENT

X-GovStack-service: DEV/COM/222/TESTSERVICE/petstore

X-GovStack-request-id: f92591a3-6bf0-49b1-987b-0dd78c034cc3

X-GovStack-request-hash: lQBoldcyuI3BerjHfkleRQ45AyYoFlF7zXSN6yH/RwvTNWEcsTQM18EfqMxYfdkyGGB26oxAjAWv/AcfmZF7og==

Content-Length: 0\\

POST Request with Attachments and Response












uploads an image

<p>• petId - ID of pet to update</p><p>• additionalMetadata - Additional data to pass to server</p><p>• file - file to upload</p>

Service called directly

curl -X POST "https://petstore.niis.org/v2/pets/1124/images" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@A-fluffy-cat-looking-funny-surprised-or-concerned.jpg;type=image/jpeg"

Service called through Service Access gateway

curl -X POST "https://{securityserver}/r1/{serviceId}/v2/pets/1124/images" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "X-GovStack-client: {client}" -F "file=@A-fluffy-cat-looking-funny-surprised-or-concerned.jpg;type=image/jpeg"

Service response




"message":"additionalMetadata: null\nFile uploaded to ./file, 170025 bytes"


Service response code


Service response headers

Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8

Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019 13:02:29 GMT

X-GovStack-id: 86e081a6-ec16-4b8d-b729-963f9659a80c

X-GovStack-client: DEV/COM/222/TESTCLIENT

X-GovStack-service: DEV/COM/222/TESTSERVICE/petstore

X-GovStack-request-id: f92591a3-6bf0-49b1-987b-0dd78c034cc3

X-GovStack-request-hash: EycIkZAz4WMvbKgnBvd0wUcN4A4w0RZMvugD36ZJ2PpwwGZuMGfxCoO4C0ZC3c4LBGF0rh61vunL3ssZV6TB3Q==

Content-Length: 100

14.1.7 Directory Services (Meta Services) Retrieving List of Service Providers

For retrieving the list of service providers <mark style="background-color:yellow;">listClients</mark> metaservice is used. It can be invoked with simple HTTP GET to right URL. Service output format is controlled with Accept header. Retrieving List of Services

Service Access gateway provides two methods for getting the list of services offered by an Service Access gateway client:

  • <mark style="background-color:yellow;">listMethods</mark> lists all REST services offered by a service provider.

  • <mark style="background-color:yellow;">allowedMethods</mark> lists all REST services offered by a service provider that the caller has permission to invoke.

Both methods are invoked as regular Service Access gateway REST services.

The serviceId MUST contain the identifier of the target service provider and the value of the serviceCode element MUST be either listMethods or allowedMethods.

Request example


HTTP request headers


The body of the response message MUST contain a list of services provided by the service provider (in case of listMethods) or open to the given client (in case of allowedMethods). The response SHALL NOT contain names of the metainfo services.

Annex B contains the OpenAPI description of the REST metadata services.

Annexes C.1 and C.2 contain example response messages for services, respectively. Retrieving the OpenAPI Description of a Service

Service Access gateway provides a metaservice for fetching service descriptions of REST services.

  • <mark style="background-color:yellow;">getOpenAPI</mark> returns the OpenAPI service description of a REST service

The method is invoked as regular Service Access gateway REST service.

The serviceId MUST contain the identifier of the target service provider and the value of the serviceCode element MUST be getOpenAPI.

The query parameters must contain serviceCode=xxx where xxx is the service code of the REST service we want to get the service description from.

Request example

GET /r1/INSTANCE/CLASS2/MEMBER2/APPLICATION2/getOpenAPI?serviceCode=listFirms\\

HTTP request headers


The body of the response MUST contain the OpenAPI service description of the REST service indicated by the query parameters.

Annex B contains the OpenAPI description of the REST metadata services.

Annex C.3 contains an example response message for the service.

14.2 Annex A Service Description

openapi: 3.0.0 info: description: >- This is a sample server Petstore server. version: 1.0.0 title: Petstore contact: email: info@niis.org license: name: Apache 2.0 url: '<http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html'> tags: - name: pet description: Everything about your Pets externalDocs: description: Find out more url: '<https://niis.org'> - name: store description: Access to Petstore orders - name: user description: Operations about user externalDocs: description: Find out more about our store url: '<https://niis.org'> paths: /pets: get: tags: - pet summary: Get pets from store description: Search pets operationId: getPets parameters: - name: term in: query description: search term required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/xml: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet' application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet' '400': description: Invalid ID supplied '404': description: Pet not found security: - api_key: [] post: tags: - pet summary: Add a new pet to the store description: '' operationId: addPet responses: '201': description: pet created '405': description: Invalid input security: - petstore_auth: - 'write:pets' - 'read:pets' requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/Pet' '/pets/{petId}': get: tags: - pet summary: Find pet by ID description: Returns a single pet operationId: getPetById parameters: - name: petId in: path description: ID of pet to return required: true schema: type: integer format: int64 responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/xml: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet' application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet' '400': description: Invalid ID supplied '404': description: Pet not found security: - api_key: [] put: tags: - pet summary: Update an existing pet description: '' operationId: updatePet parameters: - name: petId in: path description: ID of pet to return required: true schema: type: integer format: int64 responses: '200': description: Pet updated '400': description: Invalid ID supplied '404': description: Pet not found '405': description: Validation exception security: - petstore_auth: - 'write:pets' - 'read:pets' requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/Pet' delete: tags: - pet summary: Deletes a pet description: '' operationId: deletePet parameters: - name: api_key in: header required: false schema: type: string - name: petId in: path description: Pet id to delete required: true schema: type: integer format: int64 responses: '200': description: Pet deleted '400': description: Invalid ID supplied '404': description: Pet not found security: - petstore_auth: - 'write:pets' - 'read:pets' '/pets/{petId}/images': post: tags: - pet summary: Uploads an image description: '' operationId: uploadFile parameters: - name: petId in: path description: ID of pet to update required: true schema: type: integer format: int64 responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiResponse' security: - petstore_auth: - 'write:pets' - 'read:pets' requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: additionalMetadata: description: Additional data to pass to server type: string file: description: file to upload type: string format: binary /store/inventories: get: tags: - store summary: Returns pet inventories by status description: Returns a map of status codes to quantities operationId: getInventory responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: object additionalProperties: type: integer format: int32 security: - api_key: [] /store/orders: post: tags: - store summary: Place an order for a pet description: '' operationId: placeOrder responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/xml: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' '400': description: Invalid Order requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' description: order placed for purchasing the pet required: true '/store/orders/{orderId}': get: tags: - store summary: Find purchase order by ID description: >- For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions operationId: getOrderById parameters: - name: orderId in: path description: ID of pet that needs to be fetched required: true schema: type: integer format: int64 minimum: 1 maximum: 10 responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/xml: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' '400': description: Invalid ID supplied '404': description: Order not found delete: tags: - store summary: Delete purchase order by ID description: >- For valid response try integer IDs with positive integer value. Negative or non-integer values will generate API errors operationId: deleteOrder parameters: - name: orderId in: path description: ID of the order that needs to be deleted required: true schema: type: integer format: int64 minimum: 1 responses: '200': description: Purchase order deleted '400': description: Invalid ID supplied '404': description: Order not found /users: post: tags: - user summary: Create user description: This can only be done by the logged in user. operationId: createUser responses: default: description: successful operation requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' description: Created user object required: true /users/login: get: tags: - user summary: Logs user into the system description: '' operationId: loginUser parameters: - name: username in: query description: The user name for login required: true schema: type: string - name: password in: query description: The password for login in clear text required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation headers: X-Rate-Limit: description: calls per hour allowed by the user schema: type: integer format: int32 X-Expires-After: description: date in UTC when token expires schema: type: string format: date-time content: application/xml: schema: type: string application/json: schema: type: string '400': description: Invalid username/password supplied /users/logout: get: tags: - user summary: Logs out current logged in user session description: '' operationId: logoutUser responses: default: description: successful operation '/users/{username}': get: tags: - user summary: Get user by user name description: '' operationId: getUserByName parameters: - name: username in: path description: 'The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. ' required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/xml: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' '400': description: Invalid username supplied '404': description: User not found put: tags: - user summary: Updated user description: This can only be done by the logged in user. operationId: updateUser parameters: - name: username in: path description: name that need to be updated required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: User updated '400': description: Invalid user supplied '404': description: User not found requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' description: Updated user object required: true delete: tags: - user summary: Delete user description: This can only be done by the logged in user. operationId: deleteUser parameters: - name: username in: path description: The name that needs to be deleted required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: User deleted '400': description: Invalid username supplied '404': description: User not found externalDocs: description: Find out more url: 'https://niis.org' servers: - url: 'https://petstore.niis.org/v2' - url: 'http://petstore.niis.org/v2' components: requestBodies: UserArray: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' description: List of user object required: true Pet: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet' application/xml: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet' description: Pet object that needs to be added to the store required: true securitySchemes: petstore_auth: type: oauth2 flows: implicit: authorizationUrl: 'http://petstore.niis.org/oauth/dialog' scopes: 'write:pets': modify pets in your account 'read:pets': read your pets api_key: type: apiKey name: api_key in: header schemas: Order: type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int64 petId: type: integer format: int64 quantity: type: integer format: int32 shipDate: type: string format: date-time status: type: string description: Order Status enum: - placed - approved - delivered complete: type: boolean default: false xml: name: Order Category: type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int64 name: type: string xml: name: Category User: type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int64 username: type: string firstName: type: string lastName: type: string email: type: string password: type: string phone: type: string userStatus: type: integer format: int32 description: User Status xml: name: User Tag: type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int64 name: type: string xml: name: Tag Pet: type: object required: - name - photoUrls properties: id: type: integer format: int64 category: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Category' name: type: string example: doggie photoUrls: type: array xml: name: photoUrl wrapped: true items: type: string tags: type: array xml: name: tag wrapped: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Tag' status: type: string description: pet status in the store enum: - available - pending - sold xml: name: Pet ApiResponse: type: object properties: code: type: integer format: int32 type: type: string message: type: string

14.3 Annex B Service Descriptions for REST Metadata Services <a href="#docs-internal-guid-8bdb7cf5-7fff-0487-b32b-ae6dad2a0a66" id="docs-internal-guid-8bdb7cf5-7fff-0487-b32b-ae6dad2a0a66"></a>

See https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/GovStack/gov-stack%5C_im%5C_service%5C_metadata%5C_api/0.3

14.4 Annex C Example Meta Messages <a href="#docs-internal-guid-edbc180c-7fff-51f9-9e82-a890d25ccc19" id="docs-internal-guid-edbc180c-7fff-51f9-9e82-a890d25ccc19"></a>

14.4.1 listMethods Response <a href="#docs-internal-guid-7cca54ab-7fff-8005-873d-63e22956144b" id="docs-internal-guid-7cca54ab-7fff-8005-873d-63e22956144b"></a>

curl -H "accept: application/json" -H "X-GovStack-Client:INSTANCE/CLASS1/MEMBER1/APPLICATION1" "<https://SECURITYSERVER:443/r1/INSTANCE/CLASS2/MEMBER2/APPLICATION2/listMethods"> { "service": [ { "member_class": "CLASS2", "member_code": "MEMBER2", "object_type": "SERVICE", "service_code": "payloadgen", "application_code": "APPLICATION2", "GovStack_instance": "INSTANCE" }, { "member_class": "CLASS2", "member_code": "MEMBER2", "object_type": "SERVICE", "service_code": "kore", "application_code": "APPLICATION2", "GovStack_instance": "INSTANCE" } ] }

14.4.2 allowedMethods Response

14.4.3 getOpenAPI Response

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