Usage of X-Road

Usage of X-Road

This space clarifies and how the official releas of X-Road was adopted and the changes made to accommodate the technology for use in GovStack IM-BB.

The documentation provided here will not duplicate X-Road core documentation (found here: X-Road® ) and will only focus on the changes made. We highly recommend familiarizing yourself with X-Road documentation before engaging in integrating or modifying the IM-BB solution.

The effort of making changes and making X-Road compatible was focused on the deployment automation and creating a specialized PubSub component, to be registered as a subsystem, not the X-Road itself. We based our solution on the 7.3 version of X-Road and took the approach to diverge from the official release as little as possible. All changes made are backwards-compatible.

For specific details and documentation on deployment please refer to the (multitude of) readme files composed in our deployment repository: GitHub - nortal/GovStack-IM-BB-SandBox-Deployment: Deployment and configuration (as code) for GovStack IM-BB

It describes and explains how X-Road is to be deployed and configured for both local development or usage in SandBox.

Aside enabling and securing interoperability, the specific use cases X-Road does provide are as follows:








Permit service/application/member/class/instance to access Room service

  • Service Administrator


Revoke permission for service/application/member/class/instance to access Room service

  • Service Administrator


Adding services

  • Service Administrator

Within the scope of creating a sample implementation of IM-BB based on X-Road, there is no provision to update our solution with further releases of X-Road.

The two X-Road repositories forked, where:
GitHub - nordic-institute/X-Road: Source code of the X-Road® data exchange layer software

GitHub - nordic-institute/X-Road-Metrics: X-Road Metrics is a tool for collecting, storing and analysing reporting data and metrics from an X-Road® ecosystem.