Remarks on IM Sample Implementation by Nortal

Remarks on IM Sample Implementation by Nortal

Sample Implementation of Information Mediator is functioning in general and implements the functionality of IM Building Block, but there are some mismatches with specification:

  1. X-GovStack-Client header

Information Mediator Building Block specification declares, that the client application is described in X-GovStack-Client header. Sample implementation does this in X-Road-Client header. Adaptation is needed on the test harness side.

  1. Management API

Management API of Information Mediator not covered in Sample Implementation.

  1. PubSub API mapping

IM PubSub API is functionally a subset of PubSub API of Sample Implementation. To use the implemented API in the test harness URL rewriting must be provided by adaptation.

  1. PULL acknowledgement

Acknowledging of messages is missing in PULL delivery mode. The result of the PULL request might be missed in transport. In this case, a message will be lost.


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