Feedback: Contextual Help Content
  • Ready for review
  • Feedback: Contextual Help Content


    Within this file, you will find the first version of the contextual diagrams and explanations of the BBs roles and integration (on high-level which is specifically created for our user group of the simulation), in the Simulation.

    The diagram and explanation is created based on the previous workshop with can be seen here https://www.figma.com/file/giv4MDnN2gTqzG4Pa9cLaV/USCT-Simulation--BBs-integration-3%2F10%2F2023?type=whiteboard&node-id=11%3A2906&t=9LXTfoydJcqc8Rcm-1 and (Workshop)USCT Simulation- BBs integration


    Screenshot from the prototype and where the information in this document will be used

    Please check the simulation prototype and simulation flow if you are planning to provide feedback and are not familiar with the simulation.

    USCT User Flow

    Latest Flow:




    Where the diagrams and explanations are located and the behaviour


    Figma Prototype

    The prototype only includes the beginning of the user flow.

    Diagrams and Explanation


    • The explanation should be as short as possible. Maximum 420 characters for each diagram.

    • Consider the user group (Who will check the diagrams and explanation) which is Policy Decision Maker (Non-Technical). Therefore:

      • Please use simple and efficient language to inform users of BBs roles without any technical terminology.

      • The information should be high-level/contextual.

        • Our users will spend a short amount of time for the information here. What we need to show is BBs versatility and role in the insights as simply as possible.

        • Many BBs that are used are still on the conceptual level and this is only for simulation. Therefor information should be also conceptual level. Our users will know that this is not for the real implementation

    • Please do not forget: This is only for a Simulation. Not an actual BB implementation.


    Diagrams and Explanations can be found here: https://www.figma.com/file/2nuKZm3ZmPynqaFYTUgBdi/USCT-Simulation?type=design&node-id=1%3A6&t=qb8ocBf3gqMLi27i-1


    Short Explanation of the User Actions/Views

    Where it is located (Wireframes) and Steps

    Active Building Blocks


    (Please Review and Feedback)

    Explanation (Max 420 Chaaracters)

    (Please Review and Feedback)



    Short Explanation of the User Actions/Views

    Where it is located (Wireframes) and Steps

    Active Building Blocks


    (Please Review and Feedback)

    Explanation (Max 420 Chaaracters)

    (Please Review and Feedback)


    Requesting Info

    Civil servant will check the candidate info and request a needed additional information from the applicant for deciding the eligibility


    • Workflow

    • Digital Registries

    • Information Mediator


    Final Version:

    The Workflow Building Block coordinates that flow of information between Building Blocks such as Digital Registries to determine eligibility status.
    Additionally, the information Mediator Building Block ensure secure communication between the Building Blocks and services.



    From Steve: Security BB’. For all BBs we have a set of cross-cutting security standards that should be followed. So we may not want to call it out as a BB in this demo.

    The architecture team has developed what we are calling ‘Authorization services’ that handles user login and management of their roles/permissions within the app. We could call this out - though we allow this to be done either within the Application itself or as a set of standalone services (like a separate BB)

    Personal Info

    Civil Servant checks applicant basic information (name, address, date of birth etc)


    Applicant checks their own basic information (name, address, date of birth etc)


    • Digital Registries

    • Information Mediator

    • Workflow

    will change

    Final Version:

    The Workflow Building Block collaborates with multiple Digital Registries Building Blocks to retrieve essential applicant information from different databases. While the information Mediator can be used to manage the flow of information between different systems

    The information is securely displayed, using the Building Blocks.

    From Steve: If the information/registries are located in other organizations, the Information Mediator can be used to manage the flow of information between those systems.

    Program Related Information

    Any information showcased regarding the applicant that is related to beneficary prgram. These information can be household needs, documents that is provided regarding the program, benefit package preferences etc.


    • Digital Registries

    • Information Mediator (Only For applicant)


    Final Version:

    For Civil Servant view:

    The Digital Registries Building Block retrives information about a candidate that is stored in an internal database.
    Since the information is already available in the internal database, there is no need for the Information Mediator Building Block to facilitate the communication between Building Blocks.

    For Applicant view:

    The Digital Registries Building Block retrives information about a program for the applicant that is stored in an internal database.

    The Information Mediator Building Block securely facilitates communication between Building Blocks within different databases.



    Assigned Candidates

    Assigned Cases

    Case Information

    Civil servant will see number of assigned candidates or cases and basic informationr egarding these cases


    • Digital Registries

    Final Version:

    The Digital Registries Building Block send the data about that case/person that can then be displayed in the application

    Old Version(s):

    Digital Registries Building Block can be used for showcasing/reviewing the assigned candidates/cases.


    Program Information

    Civil Servant will view the general information regarding the program


    • Digital Registries

    • Information Mediator

    • Workflow


    Final Version:

    Multiple Digital Registries Building Blocks can be used for retrieving information such as program list, eligibility and package information.

    If there is any information coming from external databases, the Information Mediator and Workflow Building Block will coordinate the various calls to different services and assembling the data into a format that the application can present to the user.


    Bank Info

    Bank information of the applicant will be presented for civil servant and applicant


    • Payment

    • Information Mediator

    • Workflow


    Final Version:

    The Payment Building Block is used to retrieve bank account details for payment purposes.
    The Information Mediator Building Block and Workflow Building Block collaborate to ensure secure communication.


    Request Assign Candidates

    Civil Servant will send request for assigning candidates to benefit package.


    • Digital registries

    • Information Mediator

    • Workflow


    Final Version:

    The Workflow Building Block helps identify the information needed to determine the eligibility status, and communicates with Digital Registries Building Blocks to obtain the necessary information.

    The Information Mediator Building Block ensure secure communication between the Building Blocks and services. While Civil Servant request to assign the candidates.


    Scheduling and Registration

    Civil Servant will schedule payment for applicant and registers them into the program.


    • Payment

    • Information Mediator

    • Workflow

    • Scheduling

    • Registration


    Final Version:

    The Scheduling Building Block enables the creation of schedules for each payment and triggers the payments at the specified times.
    The Registration Building Block is responsible for registering users into the Unconditional Social Cash Transfer Program.
    The Workflow Building Block creates the logic that coordinates the different Building Blocks, ensuring they are triggered and perform their respective roles.





    Messaging: Any form of conversation between Civil Servant and applicant.


    Feedback: When applicant gives feedback for the service


    Conversations: If the user wants to start conversation



    • Digital registries

    • Information Mediator

    • Workflow

    • Messaging


    Final Version:

    For Messaging and Conversation:

    The Messaging Building Block facilitates communication between a Civil Servant or Service Employee and Applicant.

    The Workflow Building Block coordinates the Building Blocks based on user actions.

    The Digital Registries Building Block stores the messages sent by applicants and civil servants.

    The Information Mediator and Security Building Block collaborate to ensure secure communication.

    For Feedback:

    The Digital Registries Building Block stores the messages sent by applicants and civil servants.
    The Messaging Building Block facilitates communication between the users.
    The Workflow Building Block triggers the functionality of the Building Blocks based on user actions.
    The Information Mediator and Security Building Block collaborate to ensure secure communication between Building Blocks.


    Log In

    Applicant logs In


    • ID BB

    • Information Mediator

    will change

    Final Version:

    Authorization Services verifies the user's identity and authorizes access. The authorization services can call the ID building block to validate the user’s identity.

    Additionally, the Information Mediator Building Block ensure secure communication between the Building Blocks and services.


    Eligibility Status

    Applicant saws their eligibility status, what action is needed and reviews it.


    • Digital Registries

    • Workflow

    • Information Mediator


    Final Version:

    The Workflow Building Block triggers the Digital Registries Building Blocks to analyze the applicant’s information and determine their eligibility status.
    The Information Mediator Building Block ensures secure communication between the Building Blocks.


    Validating Info

    Applicant checks and validate the nececery information for USCT use case and registers


    • Digital Registries

    • Workflow

    • Information Mediator

    • Registration


    Final Version:

    The Workflow Building Block coordinates the Digital Registries Building Blocks to collect and analyze the applicant's information and determine which information needs to be updated.
    Registration Building block registers the reviewed content into Digital Registries Building Block.
    Additionally, the Information Mediator Building Block ensure secure communication between the Building Blocks and services.


    Choosing Payment Method

    Applicant selects preferred payment method.


    • Digital Registries

    • Workflow

    • Information Mediator

    • Registration

    • Consent

    • Payment


    Final Version:

    The Payment Method Building Block offers the applicant a selection of available payment methods.
    The Digital Registries Building Block pulls and provides information about the available payment methods to be displayed to the applicant.
    The Registries Building Block registers the chosen method with the applicant's consent.

    The Workflow building block is used to coordinate the flow of information between these Building Blocks.
    The Information Mediator ensures secure communication between the Building Blocks and services,


    Payment History

    Payment history will be presented for applicant


    • Digital Registries

    • Workflow

    • Information Mediator

    • Payment


    Final Version:

    The Digital Registries Building Block and Payment Building Block collaborate to provide information about the payment history.
    The Information Mediator Building Block and Workflow Building Block collaborate to ensure secure communication between Building Block while coordinating various Building Block during the process.

    Old Version:

    To ensure secure communication between Building Blocks within the logic that is created, the Information Mediator Building Block and Workflow Building Block collaborates. Additionally, the Digital Registries Building Block and Payment Building Block collaborate to provide information about the payment history.


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