Enhancements simulation
Enhancement | Note |
/candidate-list → increase nr of candidates to amount that looks nice
Show a green toast on page after login |
ChatGpt replace similar programs etc texts on /info page | Section 1: How Does It Work? The Unconditional Social Cash Transfer program offers direct financial assistance to eligible families, identifying those in need based on specific criteria. Families receive regular unconditional cash transfers and may access additional support services such as training and healthcare. The program's impact is continually assessed, and families gradually transition towards self-sufficiency over time. Section 2: Eligibility and Requirements To qualify for the Unconditional Social Cash Transfer, families must demonstrate low income, with priority given to those with dependents (including children, elderly, or disabled members). Applicants need legal residency, potential limits on household assets, and may require periodic updates to confirm eligibility. Section 3: Similar Programs (Within Digital Island) Within our Digital Island government, akin initiatives include an Education Boost providing resources for education in low-income families, Healthcare Access ensuring vital services for vulnerable citizens, Elderly Care offering financial aid and services for seniors, Disability Support empowering individuals with disabilities, and a Single Parents Initiative delivering targeted support to single-parent households. These programs collectively aim to enrich well-being and foster self-sufficiency throughout our Digital Island community. |
Simulation should start with Tips open |
The link to the Gitbook use case should be included in the simulation to access further information | @Artun Gürkan Create version (Add to dial catalogue?) |
Including the feedback.
| @Jonas Bergmeier @Artun Gürkan |
Additional bugs
hover in side panel
navigation back on first page (disabling)
/personal?validation=true → icons next to validated items and their text color are incorrect, check FIGMA
active-program?state=done page “my active conversations(0)” should be “my active conversations(1)”
DIAL catalogue link does not work
Digital Registries BB description is wrong one. Correct one is: Registries are centrally managed databases that uniquely identify persons, vendors, facilities, procedures, products and sites related to an organization, industry or activity.
Please check Figma USCT Simulation