2023-04-26 - Community Growth Team


26 April 2023


  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

  • @Nabhonil, Roy

  • @Nico Lueck

  • @Ingmar Vali

  • @Margus Mägi

 Discussion topics





Review Canvas

  • The content is on a personal space right now until it is approved for use

  • Should the team be linked to the Architecture Team?

  • We should link to the Research Team due to their connection with universities

  • Competence models

  • Tackle the fundamentals strategy / mission

    • How do we support those already engaged

    • How do we support those who are potential contributors

    • Who do we need to actively approach

  • “What does the GovStack community stand for?” - what kind of values, what kind of contributions, volunteers, motivation

  • Deliverables of the Team - challenge of task based approach is how to prioritise incoming issues.

    • how to process?

Think of best practices rather than rules - but have them communicated well.

Review post-publication process










 Action items
