Candidate Products

Candidate Products

This page will list existing products that are candidates to fulfill the BB functionalities for each Building Block. Note that these will likely not fully conform to the existing BB specs and would need adaptors or modifications. However, they deliver the functionality that is described in each BB specification.


Consent CON-120: Consent BB identify 3-5 candidate productsDone



Digital Registries DR-102: Digital Registries BB identify 3-5 candidate productsDone


Identity ID-186: Identity BB identify 3-5 candidate productsDone


OpenCRVS: https://www.opencrvs.org/

Thales Identity and Biometric Solutions: Identity & Biometric Solutions

IDEMIA: https://www.idemia.com/foundational-id-systems#:~:text=A%20unique%20foundational%20ID%20from%20birth&text=This%20foundational%20ID%20is%20based,a%20robust%20and%20interoperable%20infrastructure.


Information Mediator IM-116: Information Mediator BB identify 3-5 candidate productsDone

Not a candidate, but can be used to build a candidate:


Messaging https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/browse/TECH-675

  • Bürokratt

  • RapidPRO

  • Matrix

  • The Open Voice Network


Payments https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/browse/TECH-676

  • MojaLoop (For Account Mapper and Bulk Payments) Mojaloop


Registration https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/browse/TECH-677


Scheduler https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/browse/TECH-678




https://schedulix.org/ Note: Contacted by @PSRAMKUMAR and @Nico Lueck . Software does not fit to the Specs.





Workflow https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/browse/TECH-679

  1. Camunda for full fledged BPMN

  2. N8N for almost-open-source visual workflows and lightweight mapping.

  3. OpenFn Lightning for a certified digital public good that does visual workflow building/management.



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