Project Management Artifacts

Project Management Artifacts

Requirements agreed:

Annex 4 CTR-S-BDT-2023-002-230504.PDF Commercial document available on request from Govstack Commercial team

Interim Report ( 20/06/23 ):

Project Closure Report:


Mifos would like to recognise the following partners and individuals who contributed to this project.


Paysys Labs


Scaled Agile Consulting

Brook IT Consulting



Alberto Hernandez

Ali Mesiya

Apurb Rajdhan

Ankita Ranjan

Avik Ganguly

Azeem Yaseen

Danish Jamal

David Higgins

Dhuval Maniyar

Dhruv Sonagara

Diana Chavez

Ed Cable

Karim Jindani

M. Saad Khan

Maddlaaj Khan

Manoj VM

Naveed Nizam

Rabia Najam

Simon Eyre

Soban Najam

Somanath Hugar

Sourabh Kumar

Victor Romero

Zorain Tooba

Mifos also recognises the contribution of the entire Mifos Community who have contributed to the open-source code this project was based on and contributed back to.