Hosting Documentation, Configuration Manuals.

The latest Installation and Hosting Documentation can always be found at the Gitbook relating to the code-repository, these should be followed when installing the latest version:

Installation Instructions: -


The following is an archived copy of this guidance as relates to the baseline v1.13.0 release tested for compliance with the Govstack specification vQ423, these should be followed when implementing a v1.13.0 installation as per that version in the code base:


Post Deployment Steps Post Deployment Steps

Sample Pipeline Sample Pipeline

Default cookbook chart for GOV use-case Default cookbook chart for GOV usecase

Hosting Requirements Hosting Requirements

System Requirements System Requirements

Azure Requirements Azure Requirements

Custom Installations Custom Installations

Customising the Deployment Configurations Customising the Deployment Configurations

Configuration Instructions Configuration Instructions

Deploy BPMNs with multiple DFSP-IDs Deploy BPMNs with multiple DFSP-IDs

How to setup the Registering Institutution ID with Budget Account How to setup the Registering Institution ID with Budget Account