Deliverable 15 - Integration with IMBB

Deliverable 15 - Integration with IMBB

This documents the position of IMBB integration.


The API’s that Mifos has developed as part of our candidate software for the Pay-BB specification are suitable for an API Gateway such as the IMBB to interact with as much as they could be used directly by a BB.

Within the current sandbox installation the choice was made by the Sandbox team to integrate BB’s directly (not via the IMBB) for the USCT scenario so the IMBB is not in use in that usecase at the moment, which reduces the opportunity to demonstrate this working with IMBB in the middle but does prove the API's work with other BB's. 

Mifos has expended significant time and effort to try and prove an integration with the IMBB, whilst we don't believe there are any issues and integration would be successful, it does now require some answers and support from the IMBB team to finalise proof of this.

Despite attempts over the past few months to get this engagement (starting on 21st July 2023) between Mifos and @Allan Bernard @Aleksander Reitsakas @Satyajit Suri; it has always fizzled out https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Q4AwGQ . We have documented where we have got to in proving integration to date and the outstanding questions we have for finalising proof of integration in the absence of the Sandbox usecase using this. That documentation can be found on Govstack confluence here: Frequently Asked Questions  

Therefore in an approach we believe to be consistent with other BB’s (ID, Registration etc) we propose to move all stories and deliverables relating to IMBB integration to closed complete for the purposes of this development phase, warranty and contract (as the next steps to prove this are outside of our hands).

Doing this means Mifos will of course support during warranty any issues that are raised that are relevant to our BB implementation against the BB Specifications relating to IMBB integration if they occur, if there is engagement from the IMBB team.

@Satyajit Suri please tag anyone else in this post that may need to be aware.