ID Repo

ID Repo


Notification Batch Job VID Service

·      This is responsible for sending notifications for expired VIDs.

·      It is a batch-job that runs based on the cron expression (configurable).

·      We have 2 tables: ‘vid’ and ‘vid_expirylist’.

·      This batch job will first delete the existing entries from the vid_expirylist table.

·      Then it extracts the VIDs that are going to expire next day from the vid table and stores it in the vid_expirylist table. From vid_expirylist it filters those VIDs for which notification is not sent.

·      Now, it uses the NotificationService to send Email and SMS notifications.

·      If the response is received then it updates the isSMSSent and isEmailSent fields to true for that vid in vid_expirylist.